"Bennet & the Bouquet & the Bear"

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Serena found herself waiting for Bennet, again. She was afraid she'd be late for class & was pacing the foyer. Grandma was worried & offered to drive her to school.

Grandma: Why don't I just drive you?
Serena: Grandma, he said he'd be here.
Grandma: Who? Bennet or Brian?
Serena: What?
Grandma: You heard me.
Serena: Bennet.
Grandma: Well, then you know who's reliable & who's unreliable. When Brian was picking you up he was always on time. That boy was always polite. He always...
Serena: Ok! I get it!
Grandma: I don't know if it's your raging pregnancy hormones, but you better watch your tone, young lady. Now, you can sit here & wait all day for Bennet or you can call Brian.

Serena was upset, but had no choice. She called Brian & he gladly agreed to pick her up for class. She thanked him on the way over & apologized for being so distant.

Serena: I never got to thank you for bringing my scarf back.
Brian: No worries. Didn't want you to catch a cold or anything.
Serena: Brian...
Brian: Yeah?

Serena wanted to ask Brian if he had feelings for her, but she quickly stopped & changed her mind.

Serena: Um, and thanks for picking me up today.
Brian: Anytime. Let me know if you ever need a ride.
Serena: Thanks.

They split ways as soon as they reached campus. Ally met Brian at his car with his coffee & pastry. She greeted Serena goodmorning. Serena watched as Ally & Brian gave each other a hug & Eskimo kiss. She couldn't take it so she walked away.

Ally: So I see you're giving her rides again?
Brian: It was last minute.
Ally: Oh... it seems you're always to her rescue.
Brian: I'd do the same for any friend.
Ally: Friend?
Brian: Yeah. Babe, I thought we talked about this. She's just a friend.
Ally: That's what you keep saying.

Ally refused to believe that Brian didn't have any feelings for Serena. She always sensed tension between them. Brian continued to deny it, but it was a fact that he still had feelings for Serena. Serena still had feelings for Brian, but was committed to Bennet. Serena re-evaluated her relationship with Bennet & wanted to end things with him.

Serena walked out of her last morning class to head to lunch & Bennet met her outside her class with a bouquet of flowers & a teddybear. She smiled & walked into his arms for a hug.

Serena: What are you doing here?
Bennet: I owe you an apology. I've just been so wrapped up at work & picking up extra shifts.
Serena: You could've called or texted.
Bennet: I know. I know & I'm sorry. I'm a jerk. Will you forgive me?
Serena: Of course.
Bennet: These are for you. And this is for Miranda.

Serena took the bouquet & the bear as Bennet handed them to her. She put the bouquet up to her face to smell the flowers.

Serena: These are beautiful & the bear is cute. What are they for?
Bennet: I was wondering if the two of you will have the pleasure of joining me for dinner. I wanna take you to this fancy restaurant at the edge of town for Valentine's Day. They have live music & a dance floor. What do you say?
Serena: We love music & dancing & food...
Bennet: So will you be my valentine?
Serena: Yes!

Serena seemed to have forgotten how mad she was at Bennet for the past week of unreliable character. She embraced him again & believed that maybe he meant all he said. She thought he was trying to prove himself & forgave him.

At the end of the day, Brian approached Serena after class & asked if she needed a ride. She explained that Bennet had apologized & said he would try harder & be better at making & keeping promises. Brian stood by as Bennet did indeed come by to pick Serena up. This time, he opened doors for her & carried her books. Brian was skeptical about this new & improved Bennet.

Grandma could hear the rumbling of Bennet's car engine outside from her room. She took a peek out the window & saw Bennet & Serena kissing while leaned up against Bennet's car. Grandma walked away giving them their privacy. They kissed some more as Bennet said bye to Serena at the door. Grandma waited for Bennet to leave before she came out. Serena was running water into a vase for the flowers.

Grandma: Hey sweetheart.
Serena: Hey Grandma.
Grandma: Flowers? How nice!
Serena: Oh don't pretend to be happy for me.
Grandma: I'm not pretending.
Serena: Oh please. You hate Bennet. I know you do.
Grandma: I don't hate him. I strongly dislike him.

Serena was flustered & marched up to her room with her vase of flowers & teddybear in her hands. Grandma followed her up.

Serena: You know you hated Jay too.
Grandma: That's a different situation.
Serena: How is that a different situation? Jay smokes & drinks.
Grandma: He quit smoking when your sister asked him to stop. And! There's a big difference between someone who drinks & someone who's a drunk. Jay is a grown man who has a very stable job. He has a house & he takes good care of Summer.

Serena placed the flowers & bear on her nightstand & plopped herself on the bed.

Serena: I need you to get out of my room please.
Grandma: I'm not finished talking to you about this.
Serena: Well, I'm done listening!
Grandma: Clearly.

Grandma walked out & just as she took the first step back downstairs she turned around.

Grandma: You know Serena, I love you just as if you were my own flesh & blood. I do. I don't want to see you get hurt. But if this is what you want. I can't force you.

Serena was still angry. She looked up & saw a tear stream down Grandma's face. Sure she felt horrible for yelling at Grandma & saying the things she said, but she was eighteen years old. She wasn't a little girl who was to be told what to do. Summer got to be with the man of her choice. Why couldn't she?

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