Chapter Seven

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Trigger Warnings

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"Hey, Sweetie, you doing okay?"

I can hear a hint of worry in Mom's voice as she speaks. It's odd. Especially considering the fact she asked me to call rather than just texting me and that she's at work throughout it all. Phones are only allowed in certain circumstances at the hospital where she works.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" I answer after a moment's thought.

"Dr. Sherman just called and said that you didn't show up yesterday. Would you care to explain why?"


I knew that this conversation would eventually come up. Why must Dr. Sherman let her know whenever I miss? I'm almost an adult now. Should I not be the one who gets the call?

"I-I was with a friend," I explain. "He asked if I could hang out after school and I couldn't say no. I figured it would be okay since it's only an extra appointment, not a regular one."

"That's not a good excuse, Evan," Mom says firmly. I'm shaking as I hold the phone, worrying that I might be in trouble. She normally doesn't punish me, but the guilt is enough. "You should have told him the truth."

"I'm sorry I. . ." my voice starts to crack as I speak. It's not until now that realization hits me. If I had gone to my appointment, Connor would be dead right now.


"Mom he. . . He was going to kill himself if— if I didn't— if I didn't sh-show up. I didn't— I didn't know before but. . . But I'm glad I went I. . ."

"Hey, hey, just breathe. It's okay."

By now, I'm fighting back tears. My heart is pounding once again, and it feels like there's a lump in my throat. Why did I tell her all this? Why over the phone? What's wrong with me?

"I'm s-sorry, Mom. . ."

"It's okay, Dear, just take a deep breath, okay?"

I take a shaky breath, my hands still trembling. "I'm okay," I whisper, surprised that she can hear me speak the words. "I'm okay."

"Your friend. Is he. . ?"

"He's okay now," I say quickly. I don't really know if this is true. It seems like he lightened up a bit after talking it out, but I'm still worried. He was still quiet and seemed distant. What if it wasn't enough? What if he still tries?

"Okay. Honey, I have to go. If you need anything just text me and I'll reply as soon as I can, okay? And, Evan?"


"I'm proud of you, okay? For finally making a friend. And for helping him out. I love you more than anything."

"I-I love you too."

Just after I finish, I hear a click and then a beep as Mom hangs up. Tears are streaming down my face now, blurring my vision. I don't completely understand why it upsets me so much. I barely know him. Yet, he's willing to try to be friends.

I groan and flop onto my bed, faceplanting my pillow. I don't want to cry anymore, but I can't stop myself. I keep sobbing, my pillow growing wetter by the moment. When I raise up, I glance at the time. It's still only eight, too early to sleep. I wonder if I should text Connor back, but right now I'm not sure I could. Besides, he's probably tired of me.

Instead I decide to text Jared. He may not consider me a friend, but at least he will talk to me. If not, his parents won't pay his car insurance. That's what he says, anyway.

I just got back from the

Do they have a maid?

Why would they have a

Uh, the Murphys? Aren't
they like insanely rich?

They're well off, yeah.
They're not rude about it
or anything though.

Well, what's their house

It's nice.
Just like they are.

Pfft, really? All of them?
Or just Zoe?

No, really. Well their
mom at least. Their dad
didn't really say much.
He seemed surprised that
Connor had someone over.
Zoe did too.

But are you two even
really friends? Did you
not only go to see Zoe?

Just because I like her
doesn't mean I would
play Connor like that.
He's actually not that

I'm sure they all know
the truth.

Oh, shut up.
Just because you think
he's bad doesn't mean
he is. He's just distant.

Frustrated, I click off the message and lay my phone on my chest. I can't help but wonder if Jared is right. What if this is all some scheme? What if it's not but they think I'm only there for Zoe? I didn't make it that obvious that I like her, did I?

Just don't come asking
me for help if I'm right.

I don't answer. I don't know how to. I don't want to say something to upset him if he does turn out to be right. I really doubt that I have to worry about that, but just in case. He's the closest thing to a friend I have — not counting Connor.

It's now that I realize that I can't ruin this. I can't pass up my one chance to have a friend. A true friend. Even if that is the most hated person in the school. Maybe, just maybe, he's only misunderstood. . .

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