Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Trigger Warnings

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Mom offers to let me stay home Monday, but I decide to go anyway. I already have so much to catch up on, and I'm sure there will be a day farther down the road when I feel worse than I do now.

When I get to school, I can feel the stares. I'm not surprised that everyone knows, but I wish that they wouldn't change the way they act because of it. I notice Hudson and his buddies in the corner and immediately look down. That's the last thing I need right now.

When I reach my locker, I feel a gentle nudge. I look up and see Alana. "Oh, hey, Alana," I say quietly.

"Hey, Evan. I didn't think you would be here today," she says.

"Me either, really," I reply, shrugging slightly. "I didn't want to have anymore makeup work."

"I don't blame you there," she smiles. "If you need help catching up or anything you can let me know."

I smile softly at her. Connor told me that she had came to visit me while I was out. It surprised me, but I'm grateful. "Thanks. And thank you for visiting me," I say. "Connor said you came."

"Of course. I'm sorry I only came by once."

"No, it's okay," I tell her. "You didn't have to come at all."

She looks down at her feet for a moment, not saying anything. When she looks up again, her smile has returned. "I'm going to go on to class," she says. "Have a good day, Evan."

"You too."

The day isn't too bad. I still hear whispers. I still feel stares. A few people approach me and say a few words, but they don't ask too many questions. I guess they all know that it's not something I want to talk about.

At lunch, Jared sits with me and Connor. At first he's quiet, but after a few moments he seems like his normal self again. He tells us all that's happened in the past week. Most of it I'm not interested in, but I still listen. One thing he says, however, I do show interest in.

"Hudson was removed from student council," he says. "Him and Tucker were suspended for a few days, too."

I feel Connor tense beside me, but there's a small smile of satisfaction on his face. "They deserve it," he says, a bit of a growl in his voice. "Maybe now they've learned their lesson."

I nod in agreement, but what happens later worries me.

"Hey, Hansen."

I freeze, gripping the straps of my backpack. I turn around and see, of course, Hudson and Tucker. I back away slowly, feeling my chest tighten. I can feel myself starting to panic, and I take a deep breath to push it away. I don't know what will happen if I have one now. I'm not strong enough.

"I-I- h-hey," I manage to stutter.

"Relax," Tucker grunts. "We're not going to hurt you." He looks over at Hudson, who rubs his arm nervously.

"I-I wouldn't blame you," I say quietly. When I do, Hudson looks up at me.

"We're sorry."


"We're sorry," Hudson repeats. "We-we didn't know. If we had. . ."

"H-hey, it's not your fault," I tell them.

"Whether it is or not, we're still sorry. I know that it's a bit late for an apology, but when we found out what happened we knew we had to. I don't think I could forgive myself if. . ." Tucker shakes his head. "We understand if you won't forgive us. You don't have to."

"Thank you for apologizing," I say, closing my eyes. I'm not sure how to feel, and that's all I can manage to say. After an awkward silence, I turn and start walking away.

I'm glad when I spot Connor up ahead. I run to catch up with him, and he smiles over when I get close. "That short run too much for you?" he asks, playfully nudging me.

"Shut up," I huff, nudging him back. "I just haven't ran in awhile."

"You know I'm just messing with you," Connor says. "How's your day been?"

"It's been alright," I tell him. "How about yours?"

"Same," he says with a shrug. "No one has said anything, right? They haven't been mean to you?"

"No, no," I shake my head. "Everyone has been staring at me, but I guess I've expected that. Only a few people have spoke to me, and they haven't been rude."



"Good." He releases a sigh of relief. "I'm glad. Oh, hey, are you still coming over this evening?"

"If it's still fine," I say.

"Of course," he says quickly. "Just checking. You can ride with us if you want."

"I think I'll walk." Connor looks worried for a moment and I touch his hand. "I'll be okay. I just want to get some fresh air."

"Alright," he sighs. "I'll see you then, Ev."

I smile and nod. "See you then, Con."

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