Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Trigger Warnings

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I'm struggling to keep it together as Mom drives us to the hospital. I let Zoe know that I was leaving and Jared walked me to the office. He told me that he would let Alana know what was going on and gave me a short hug before I left. We're almost there now, and my heart feels like it may pound out of my chest.

When we get out, I let Mom lead the way inside. She talks to the receptionist for a moment before taking my hand and leading me to an elevator. I'm silent as we walk through the cold halls, preparing myself for what I'm about to see.

Time seems to be dragging as we get to the open door that Mom says is his room. She knocks gently, and I hear a soft, familiar voice inviting us inside. At first I'm hesitant, but I step inside. I break down almost immediately as I see him. He's hooked to a beeping machine, and he's lying completely still in the bed. Until I look at the screen, I think he might be dead.

Heidi comes over and hugs me tight. I can see that she's been crying, but right now she's calm. She must want to be brave in front of company.

"Is he. . ."

"Stable," she says quietly. "They say it will take twenty-four hours for them to know for sure, but they think he will be alright. . ."

After a moment, I see her look over towards Mom. She looks down at me and smiles weakly. "I'm going to go out and talk to your mom for a minute, okay? You can stay in here and have some time alone."

I nod slightly and watch her walk over and greet my mom. When the two step outside, I walk over and touch Evan's hand. He feels so cold. . .

I'm silent at first as I sit down, just watching him. Then, it all starts to come out. "I don't want you to go," I start. "I really don't know what I will do if you don't come through this. . . I. . . I know how hard it is, but just. . . I can't. . ."

Tears start to stream down my face as I talk. I'm sure he can't hear me, but I can't stop myself. I know that this may be the last chance I have to talk to him, and I have to speak.

"I've never had anyone who wanted to be my friend before. I was always so alone, but you gave me a chance. Y-you're my best friend, Evan. Please, I don't want to lose you. Please don't leave me. . ."

I feel like I'm falling in pieces. Again I find myself sobbing. All I can manage to do is hold his hand tightly and close my eyes. I feel so alone. My friend. My one true best friend. I don't know if I'll ever talk to him again. I don't know if I'll ever see his smile or hear his laugh again. My heart is breaking.

After a few minutes, I feel a hand on my shoulder. So many times I've pushed her away, but right now I reach around and bury myself in my mom's arms. She's whispering into my ear, but I barely hear what she's saying. I'm crying harder than when I tried myself, and I can't seem to pull myself together.

"It's okay, Connor. Just breathe, Dear," Mom whispers. "I'm here."

"I-it's not," I cry. "It's n-not okay. H-he's gonna die."

"Shh. . . You don't know that," she says quietly, combing her fingers through my hair.

I try to speak, but no more words come out. After a moment, I lift my head and glance back over my shoulder. It hurts me to see him like this.

"Let's go sit in the hall for a bit," Mom says. "I'm sure that Heidi wants some time alone. Some others may stop by after school lets out,"

I want to protest, but I know that she's right. Part of me doubts that anyone will come by, but I'm hopeful that someone else will care. If no one else, Zoe may stop by. After our conversation, it wouldn't surprise me.

Down the hall, there's a small waiting area. Mom and I go there and sit on a couch. For several minutes I just sit there, looking down at my feet. Mom is on the phone with Dad, explaining what's going on to him. While she's occupied, I decide to check my own phone. For once, I have several messages on my screen.

Zoe:  Love you, Connor. I'll be there after school. 🖤

Jared:  Hey, Man. Tell Heidi our family is praying for them. We'll visit when we can.

Alana:  I'm so sorry, Connor. Hoping that everything ends up okay. Let me know if you need anything!

Right now, I don't have the strength to reply to any of them. I know that if I push myself I will break down again, and I've already cried more than I ever thought I would. I just want to rest before my worst fear comes true.

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