Chapter Sixteen

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Trigger Warnings

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I yawn slightly as I walk through the hallway at school. I don't see Evan anywhere, so I decide to go on to class. There's no need to stand in the hall and listen to the whispers when I could sit in a somewhat quieter classroom.

When I step inside, I notice one other boy sitting at a desk already, head buried in his computer. I knew that he was in this class with me, but I had always ignored him. Now, I can't any longer. I step over and wait for him to look up, a rather fearful look in his eyes. "What do you want?" he asks, his voice cracking a bit.

"Chill, Kleinman. I may look like a school shooter but I don't plan on hurting you," I say, a bit annoyed. "I just want to talk. Is that too much to ask?"

"Alright, alright," he says, closing the screen to his laptop and looking up at me. I sit down on the desk next to him, thinking for a moment.

"You and Evan are friends?" I ask.

"Family friends," he corrects me. "There's a difference."

"Yeah, whatever," I say. "Do you know. . . Do you know if he's okay?"

Jared gives me a confused look. "I. . . Guess. . ?"

"You don't even know what I mean, do you?" I ask, a bit frustrated. "Do you think he's okay? Like, seriously okay? Do you believe his whole fell-from-a-tree story?"

Jared blinks and shakes his head. "I think you're overthinking this. This is Evan you're talking about. Kid's a klutz. He probably just lost his footing and fell. I don't get what worries you so much about it."

"But why was he climbing a forty foot tree in the first place?" I question. It bothers me that he's not more concerned. Is he really too blind to see the truth? Does he not understand? Can he not read between the lines. "Something is up, Kleinman. You know him better than I do, I don't know how you can't see it."

"Look, Murphy," Jared sighs, giving me an annoyed look. "Evan is fine. Just let it go."

I shake my head and stand up, walking back to my seat in the corner. I don't know why I even bother asking. I should've known that Jared wouldn't care.

Family friend. What an idiot. It's sad that Evan ever hung out with him. He probably genuinely wanted to be friends with Kleinman but all he cares about is his reputation. Friends with a "loser?" Never!

I hear Jared sigh and turn around to look at me. "Look, if you're really worried about him, just ask him. I'm sure it's nothing, but if you care so much then just talk to him about it."

I'm surprised to see a hint of concern finally coming to his eyes. It's like. . . Maybe he's just difficult. It still bothers me that he treats Evan so poorly, but maybe a piece of him does care.

I start to speak again, but it's already time for class to start. I mutter words of annoyance under my breath, wishing that I had more time. I know that I won't have another chance to talk to Jared. There's no way that he would ever speak to me in front of anyone else. No one dares speak to me in front of anyone else. No one, except for Evan.

I try to focus on the teacher, pushing away my worries, but it's hard. I want to believe that Jared is right and everything is fine, but I still feel that something is wrong. Would he really tell me if something was? Wouldn't he try to hide it like I've always tried to hide my problems from everyone else? I just can't see him opening up to me so soon. Then again, I let him see the worst of me.

I don't see Evan until lunch that day. He's quiet and his eyes have a tired look. It doesn't help my worries any, but he smiles slightly when he sees me. I return the smile, but it wavers as he closes his eyes.

"Are you alright, Ev. . ?"

"Yeah, yeah," he murmurs. "I'm fine, Con. . . Just tired is all. Don't worry about it."

I sigh and shake my head. I don't believe him, but what can I do? I know he won't tell me any more than this. Not here, at least. I think of all the things it could be. Has someone said something to him? Has something bad happened?

Is it what I've been worrying about all day?

I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up, seeing Evan smile at me. "Hey, I'm fine, Connor," he says again. "I didn't get much sleep last night. That's it. I promise."

"Okay, okay, if you say so," I chuckle, nudging him slightly. "You're going to have to be like me and go home and sleep."

"We'll see," he laughs, a small yawn escaping. "I have to go. I'll talk to you later, okay?"

"Okay. See you later, Ev. . ."

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