Chapter Thirty-Four

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Trigger Warnings

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Two days have passed since he tried. I had hoped that he would have woken up by now, but he hasn't. The doctors say he's doing better, but he's still hooked to oxygen and a feeding tube and there's still an IV stuck in his arm.

It's quiet being here alone. Well, just me and Evan. It's going to be a long night, but I couldn't just say no and let him be here alone. He deserves more than that.

"Mm. . ."

I freeze and sit up on the small couch, glancing over towards the bed. At first I think I'm hearing things, but I hear a grunt and I force myself to stand up.

"Mom. . ."

"Sh-she just went home to get some rest," I say quietly, walking over and touching Evan's hand gently. "I can— I can call her if—"

I feel my heart race as Evan opens his eyes slightly and looks at me. "Connor. . ?"

"I'm here," I murmur. "I'm right here."

Evan closes his eyes again for a moment before looking at me again.


I smile a bit and reach down to hug him. I don't know why, I just can't stop myself. I try to hold back tears, but it's impossible. I didn't think. . . I didn't think I would ever hear him speak again.

"Th-they thought. . . They d-didn't think you. . . Y-you weren't going to wake up. . ."

"I didn't want to," I hear him whisper, and I squeeze tighter. His voice cracks slightly and I can hear him start crying.

"Pl-please. . . Please don't scare me like that. Please. . . I thought y-you were. . . I thought I was g-going to lose you. I-I was so scared. . ."

"I'm sorry. . ."

I pull away slightly and he struggles to readjust himself. "D-don't push yourself," I say quickly. "You need to rest."

He grunts and pushes a button on the side of the bed that raises up the head so that's he's sitting. "Everything hurts," he mumbles, lifting an arm slowly and resting it on his chest. "H-how long?"

"This morning started day three," I say quietly, closing my eyes.



"Did. . . Did you read it. . ?"

I open my eyes again and look at him. He looks so exhausted, but I can see a small spark of hope in his pale blue eyes. "I called as soon as I saw," I whisper. "Y-your mom has already. . . She was already with you."

"You still came. . ."

"Of course I did!" I say. It hurts knowing that he ever questioned it. "I-I called Mom and she brought me. I thought— I was afraid I would be too late. . ."

"My mom. . ."

"She's okay," I assure him. "Do you want me to call her?"

"Let her rest," he sighs. "I-I'm not sure I'm ready to face her. . ."

The room is silent for a moment. I see Evan close his eyes, and after a few minutes pass I think he has fell back asleep. I go to sit back down and he opens his eyes a bit again to watch me. He says nothing, just watches.

"Do you. . . Do you remember anything. . ?"

Evan shakes his head slightly. "No. . ."

I take a shaky breath, glad that he didn't hear me breaking down the last time we were alone. I was so lost. . . I hope he never has to see me so spaced out that I can't even focus. I know it must be a horrible sight.

"Zoe came by the first evening," I start after a moment. "Your mom asked her to sing, so she did. . . Jared and Alana came by later before we left."

I pause, waiting for Evan to reply. He simply blinks, and I decide to continue. "Zoe brought me back by yesterday. The Kleinmans were leaving as we got here. Today it's just been me and Mom. Sh-she took your mom home and she asked me to stay with you."

"I-I'm surprised anyone came," he says. "I didn't think anyone would care." There's a look of hurt in his eyes, and I wonder what he's thinking.

I start to ask something, I don't know what, when there's a knock on the door.

"Come in," Evan calls weakly. In a heartbeat, Dr. Matthews is walking in. There's a smile on his face that I haven't seen the past few days when he comes in.

"You're awake," he says happily. "How are you feeling?"

"Sore. It feels like an elephant has sat on me."

"It will feel like that for a day or two," the doctor says. "How about mentally?"

Evan pauses for a moment, shifting uncomfortably. I can't believe that he would ask this so soon, but I guess that he's just doing his job. He's supposed to evaluate patients, and you can't really evaluate emotions without asking questions.

Evan glances at me and shakes his head. "I've been better," he breathes.

"That's okay," the doctor says gently, coming and touching his hand. "We're all here for you, alright?"

"Thank you. . ."

"Here, I know something that might make things just a little better."

I crane my neck to look around the doctor, seeing that he is gently peeling the round tape that holds the oxygen tube on away before pulling it off. "Slow, deep breaths," he says gently. "You might feel dizzy for a minute."

For a moment, the machine starts beeping faster. I feel my heart race, but Dr. Matthews doesn't seem concerned. In seconds, the machine calms down and Evan smiles weakly. "Better."

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