Chapter Twenty-One

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Trigger Warnings

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Hey Alana.
I need a favor.

I'm surprised when I look down and see a text from Connor Murphy. The only time he's ever texted me is when we have an assignment together. I would assume it was for someone else had he not used my name.

How can I help you?

Can you get kicked from
Student Gov for beating
someone up?

I would think?

Hudson and his buddy
Tucker beat Evan up.
Like bad.
I found him knocked out
in the hall.

Oh gosh!
That's awful, is he okay?

He's got a nasty bruise
but other than that he's
fine. Physically at least.

I hate that.
Have you mentioned it
to Mr. Howard? He
should take care of it.

That's why I texted you.
Mr. Howard would never
believe me. I was hoping
that you could talk to him.

Oh. . .
I'm not sure Connor.
I didn't see it. Why should
he believe me either?

Please Alana.
I know you and Evan
aren't exactly friends
but please do it for
him. Not for me.

What do you mean?

Well I mean he says that
you don't see him as a
Just — I have to go.
Please talk to him Alana.
For Evan.

I put my phone down and rub my temples. Why would Hudson and Tucker beat up someone like Evan? And why would Evan think that we're not friends? And why is Connor the one asking this for me? Are they friends now?

I think for a moment, trying to remember seeing the two together at some point. Now I do remember seeing them speaking in the hallway one day. Maybe it's true. And if it is, maybe I should talk to Mr. Howard.

After all. . . Evan was the only one who cared to text me after finding out I lost. . .

I figure that if anyone knew the truth, it would be Jared Kleinman. He and Evan have known each other for years. Jared says that their families know each other.

Hey Jared! Sorry to bother
you, but I have a question.


Do you know anything
about Hudson and Tucker
beating Evan up?
Connor Murphy just
texted me about it and I
wasn't sure if he was
maybe making it up.
I thought that you might

They wHAT?!

That's what Connor said.
I just don't know if I
trust him completely.
Are they friends?

They've been hanging
out if nothing else.
I believe it.
I'll ask Evan.

Thank you, Jared.
Let me know if he's okay.

I sigh softly and close my eyes for a moment. I still keep thinking about what Connor said; that Evan thinks we're not friends. It's not until that moment I realize what a horrible friend that's made me. Evan is one of the only people who I can talk to who actually seems to care. Sure, he's quiet and is nervous all the time, but that doesn't make him a bad friend.

So many thoughts are going through my head as I wait for Jared to text me back. It still shocks me that Connor asked me for help. I would assume he would take things into his own hands, but maybe he's really not so bad after all. Sure, maybe it's because he would be outnumbered, but he seemed genuinely concerned. He wants me to help for Evan's sake, not his. He doesn't just want to get even, he wants them to get the punishment they deserve.

I think about all the rumors about Connor that have circulated over the years. He's made out to be such a bad person, but maybe he's just misunderstood. Maybe he's just another loner like me. Maybe all he needed was a friend, and now he's got one of the best.

The one thing that bothers me most, though, is Connor's response when I asked if Evan was okay. Physically. He confirmed that he is okay physically. He failed to mention the psychological side of things. I know that's more personal and he probably wouldn't want to say without Evan's permission, but why specify that he is okay physically if something isn't wrong psychologically? It just doesn't make sense.

It worries me. I don't want to pry, and I don't plan to, but I wonder what's wrong. I wonder if I can help somehow.

He has Connor and Jared. He'll be okay. If he wants to talk to you about it he will.

I hope that's true. He doesn't deserve to hurt. He doesn't deserve to have to go through this. He's never done anything to hurt anyone. Why him?

I'm about to give up on Jared replying and start studying when I hear a ding from my phone. I quickly swipe it open and I'm heartbroken to see the text that's shining on my screen.

It's true.

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