Chapter Eight

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Trigger Warnings

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"Hey, Evan!"

I look up, a bit surprised to hear a female voice speaking to me. Secretly, I hope it's Zoe, but I know in my heart it's not. When I turn to find the source, I see Alana Beck. We never really talk, but we have some classes together. She's only the smartest person in the school.

"Oh, hi, Alana."

Alana smiles and hands me a blue flyer. "Class officer elections are coming up," she says. "I'm running for President, and I was hoping that I have your vote. Can I count on you?"

"Yeah, of course," I say quickly, smiling back. "I wouldn't vote for anyone else."

"Thanks! Tell your friends, please!" she says before scampering off.

My friends. . .

I guess Alana doesn't realize that I don't really have any friends. She's nice, and I know she means well, but I'm sure even she only considers me an acquaintance. All I have to tell is Connor and Jared, and I doubt either really care about class officers.

"That your girlfriend?"

I jerk around to see Connor. "No! We're just fr— just acquaintances," I correct myself. "She was just asking me to vote for her next week."

Connor smirked slightly. "I'm just messing with you, but seriously? Acquaintances?"

I shrug, folding the flyer up and putting it in the side pocket of my backpack. "We've only spoke a few times. Not really enough to call her a friend."

Connor frowns a bit but shrugs it off. "Sucks for her."

Did that just come from Connor? I'm shocked by this simple comment. Does he really think that anyone is missing out by not being friends with me out of all people. "Not really. I understand."

I hear him sigh and glance at the clock. "You should probably get to class. I don't care about being late, but I'm sure you probably do."

I follow his gaze, seeing that there's only two minutes left before the tardy bell rings. "Yeah, I better go. I guess I'll see you at lunch, then?"

"Yeah, sure," he says. "If you want the company."

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Well I mean, it's me. Why would anyone want to have me as company?" I see him look around. Several people are giving us confused and disgusted looks. It's the first time that I've noticed. Do people really dislike Connor this much?

"I'm not worried about their opinions, Connor," I say quietly. "Just because they act that way doesn't mean I have to. I do need to get to class, though. If you don't want to sit with me you don't have to, but you're always welcome to."

Before he can reply, I turn and start walking towards my class. I can hear whispers as I walk by, but I ignore them. Why should I care? No one likes me anyway. I don't have a reputation as it is. The only people that bother to talk to me other than him are Jared and Alana.

Dear Evan Hansen,
      Today is going to be a good day, and here's why: because today, you have a friend. For today, at least, you have someone to talk to. Whether it lasts or not doesn't really matter right now. All that matters is for now, right now, you have a friend.

I almost jump out of my skin when Connor comes up behind me and sits down. He starts laughing and I can't help but laugh along shyly. "You have got to stop scaring me like that."

He only rolls his eyes. I think maybe he enjoys the shocked look on my face each time he does this. "I really don't mean to scare you," he sneers. "You're just jumpy."

"I can't help it!" I say helplessly. I can feel my face growing hot, and it only gets worse as I catch Zoe glimpsing over at us. I quickly look away, wishing we hadn't made eye contact. Luckily, Connor doesn't seem to notice. He's still just chuckling at my childish voice.

"I know, I know," he says finally. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't laugh, but you would too if you saw the look on your face."

"I'll scare you back eventually, then I can see for myself," I smile. "And you can't get mad when I laugh."

"But I can't help it!" he says teasingly.

My face is burning now, and it's all I can do to not bury my face into the table. I've never felt so embarrassed, not even when I had to tell my boss how I broke my arm.

Thinking back to this, I slowly grow quiet. Connor seems to notice the change and glances over. "Hey, it's just a joke. I didn't mean to upset you."

"No, no, it's not that. I just thought about something else it's not your fault sorry," I start rambling. I start to speak again, my voice shaking, but I feel a hand touch my shoulder.

"Hey, you're okay. Just breathe," he says quietly.

"Sorry," I whisper. I force a laugh after a moment. "I was just thinking that I don't think my face has gotten so red since I told my boss I fell."

I see him glance down at my cast in silence. "How long ago has it been, by the way? When will you get your cast off?"

"Oh it was uh. . . End of May or early June? Maybe a bit after that? It should get off in another week or two, I think."

Connor nods slightly. "I bet you'll be glad to get it off, huh?"

"Yeah. It'll be nice."

By now, it's already time to go back to class. Lunch always seemed to go by so slow before, but now it seems to fly by. Does it seem to fly by for everyone else too, I wonder.

"See you later, Evan."

"Yeah, see you later."

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