Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Trigger Warnings

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My heart is racing as I watch the clock, waiting for time to leave for lunch. I have an eerie feeling that something is wrong. I haven't seen Evan all day, and unlike last time, he has no reason to miss. I try not to worry, but that's next to impossible. What if something is wrong?

When it's finally time for lunch, the first thing I do is pull out my phone. When I see the message on my screen, my heart skips a beat.

Dear Connor Murphy,
     I know this is a bit odd, but I worry that Mom will not be strong enough to read her note at first, and I want you to know. Please, if she isn't taking this well, be there for her. Let her know that I love her and that I only mean to make things easier.
     Thank you for everything you've done for me. Thank you for being a friend when I have no one else, and thank you for trying to help me. I'm sorry that I'm not strong enough to keep going. I know how hard it can be, but please don't follow me. Please stay safe for everyone's sake. Don't let there be two empty seats at graduation this year.
     Tell Zoe that I think she's wonderful. Tell her she has a beautiful voice and that I know that she will be successful. Tell her that I love her even though I was always too afraid to say it.
     Tell Jared that I'm sorry that I'm not the friend that he wanted. Tell him that I will always see him as a friend, no matter how much he may hate me. I know that we may not be more than family friends to him, but to me that is a lot more.
      Tell Alana that she is amazing. Tell her that she deserved to win class president and that she will always be a winner to me. I know that she will go far in life, and anyone who can't see that must be blind.
      Goodbye, Connor. Thank you again for everything. Thank you for trying to help me. Every little thing you've said has helped me, but the voices are just too much. I can't keep going on like this anymore. Please forgive me.

"No. . ."

"No no no no no no. . ."

My head is spinning as I read the message and then read it again.

This can't be happening.

I quickly move to my phone and call Evan. I hope that maybe it's a mistake. Maybe I'm not too late, but I get no answer. I curse under my breath before looking through my contacts and finding Heidi's number. I call her quickly, hoping that she will answer. Just when I'm about to give up, I hear a click.

"H-hello. . ."

"Mrs— Mrs. Hansen. . ? It's Connor. Is— is Evan. . ?"

"Connor, Sweetie, I want you to call your mom and have her bring you to the hospital, okay? We're almost there. He— he would want you to be here."

It's true. . . He actually tried. . . He may actually have done it. She didn't give a definite answer. He might. . . He might be gone. . .

I let out a scream as I hang up, falling onto my knees. I've never been a religious person, but I find myself praying and pleading to God that he will live or that it's all a horrible dream and I'll wake up and everything will be okay. I feel a hand on my shoulder, and I look up to see a short kid with glasses looking at me; Jared Kleinman.

"Wh-what?" I snap, jerking away from him. He looks taken aback, but there is true concern in his eyes. He knows that something is wrong.

"Evan. . . He. . ."

I shake my head, unable to get the words out. Jared frowns and offers me help up. "Come on, let's go to the bathroom. It's more private there." I nod and let Jared lead me away. I'm shaking terribly, and anyone would think that I had just learned my mother had died. I can't imagine the thoughts going through their heads.

As we step into the small room, Jared grabs my shoulders and looks at me. "What's wrong?"

Struggling to catch my breath, I take out my phone and open the message that Evan sent me. I show it to Jared and his eyes grow wide with horror. He looks at me with tears in his eyes, shaking his head.

"This. . . This is a joke. . ."

"I called h-his Mom. It-it's true," I cry. "Sh-she wants me. . . She wants me to come. . ."

I can tell Jared is struggling, but he still manages to keep it together. "Breathe, Connor. I-I know it's hard, but he needs you to keep it together."

"I-I don't even know if he's alive!" I sob, taking my phone back. "Wh-what if it's too late. . ?"

Before Jared can reply, I start to call Mom. She seems surprised when she answers the phone. "Connor?"

"H-hey," I start. "I-I need you t-to pick me up. Evan. . . He's on th-the way to the hospital. I-I. . . Please. . ."

"I'm on my way, Dear," I hear her say. "Just give me a few minutes, alright? Tell your sister you're leaving early and then head to the office."

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