Chapter Twenty

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Trigger Warnings

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"Aw, look. Tree Boy got his cast off."

"It would be a shame if he got it back, wouldn't it Hud?"

"Sure would, Tuck."

I felt myself shaking as I backed away. Hudson and Tucker were two of the school's most known athletes. Hudson was the captain of the football team and Tucker was the star basketball player. Both were extremely talented, but neither were very smart. Just average.

"What's going on?"

"Like you don't know. We've saw you with Drug Dude."


"Whatever his name is."

They're both getting closer now. In a moment, I feel my face grow numb. Then another punch comes and my nose is bleeding. They keep on until my anxiety has reached its peak. I feel like I can't breathe, a lump rising in my throat. Before I know it, everything goes black. I can't see or hear anything for several moments, then I feel a hand on my shoulder. I can hear a voice, but it takes a moment for me to process who it is or what they're saying.


I blink my eyes open and see a blurry figure. I realize now that it's Connor. There's blood on his hand, but I'm not sure whose. Did he hurt them? Or is it mine?

"Wake up, buddy. They're gone. It's okay."

His voice gets a bit clearer after a moment, and I try to push my sore body off the ground. "Connor. . ?"

"Stay there. I'm gonna have Zoe start her car."

I groan softly as he leans me against the wall and races off. In a minute he's back. I struggle to stand up and he quickly grabs my arm and draped it over his shoulder. "Where are we going. . ?"

"Our house. It's closer and I'm sure your mom isn't home."

I nod weakly and walk, with Connor's help, to Zoe's car. Zoe is already sitting in the driver's seat, and she glances back nervously as Connor helps me get in and then slips in beside me. As soon as we're both buckled, she drives off, heading towards their house.

I start crying again now as it all starts to sink in. Connor pulls me closer and I lean against him, closing my eyes. I'm exhausted, and I'm almost certain that I'm asleep when we pull in. I open my eyes as we hit a small bump, raising a hand to wipe the tears that have turned my cheeks wet.

Connor and Zoe help me out and into the house, and we're met by Cynthia, whose eyes are wide with shock. "Oh goodness, what happened?"

"Idiots," Connor mutters, clenching his fist as they help me sit on the couch. "I found them beating him up in the hallway."

"Oh, you poor thing, I'll go get some stuff from the bathroom and we'll get you fixed up. Does your mom know?"

I shake my head. "I-I haven't told her. She's at work."

"Well, we'll worry about that in a bit. You're welcome to stay here as long as you need to."

"Th-thank you," I say quietly. She nods in acknowledgment before speeding to the bathroom. Zoe follows her and Connor sits beside me. I can feel him grab my hand. He's shaking a bit, but I'm guessing it's out of anger.

"I can't believe it," he huffs. "Th-that wasn't fair. At all. Th-they didn't even give you a chance. They beat you until you were out. They. . ."

"H-hey, it's okay," I say quietly, seeing Cynthia and Zoe returning. I don't know what else to say, but I'm worried by his reaction that Connor might seek them out and get revenge. I don't want that. I don't think they could hurt him, but there's two of them and one of him.

"No, Evan, it's not okay," he scowls. "They has no reason to do that. What did you ever do to them?"

I sigh softly, grateful that the girls come to interrupt the conversation. I'm not in the mood to discuss this anymore. I only want the pain to go away. "Thank you, that helps," I say quietly as Cynthia rubs something slimy under my eye. Zoe is sitting at my other side now, wiping blood from my face.

"It's nothing," Cynthia says, smiling a bit. "I just hate that this happened. I don't understand why anyone would do this to you."

"They're just bullies," Zoe mutters. "They don't have to have a reason to do something to anyone. They probably just thought he would be easy to target. No offense."

"None taken," I murmur. I know Zoe is right, but I can't help but think back to the words Hudson and Tucker had said before they attacked me. They were mad because I was friends with Connor. . . That's no reason to attack me, is it? Because of who I'm friends with? There's no way.

Because you're worthless!

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