Chapter Thirteen

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Trigger Warnings

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"He'll be here soon, Mom, chill out."

"I'm sorry, Honey, I'm just. . . I'm so glad you have a friend."

Like I guessed, Mom is thrilled with the idea of me having a friend over. Ever since I asked, she's been ecstatic. She suggested he spend the night, too, so that's the plan now. She even offered to skip class tonight to take us to the movies, but I shook my head and asked her to just make pizza before he got here instead. That's what she's doing now.

Just as it's ready to take out, the doorbell rings. I'm a bit nervous, but I go to open the door. Connor smiles as he steps inside, turning and nodding to Zoe before she drives off. I wave shyly before closing the door, surprised when she waved back.

"Just sit that down for now," I say when I turn back to Connor. "We can take it upstairs later. Mom made pizza."

"You don't even know how long it's been since my mom made pizza. She's all about these crazy diets and right now it's vegan."

Before I can reply, Mom comes over to greet him. She smiles, offering a hug. Connor accepts hesitantly, and I can see she realizes that he's not big on touch. She takes a step back now. "You must be Connor," she says. "It's nice to meet you."

"You too, Mrs. Hansen," he replies, glancing at me as if to make sure she hasn't returned to her maiden name. I nod and he turns back. "Thanks for having me over."

"Of course, Sweetie. You can call me Heidi if you'd like. I don't mind."

"Well, thank you, Heidi."

She smiles and walks back over to the pizza, cutting out two slices for each of us and taking one for herself. "I have to leave for class soon," she says when she finishes, looking at her watch. "Are you boys sure you don't need me to stay here?"

"No, it's fine," I say. "Save your absences for it you get sick."

"Oh, yeah, you work at the hospital, don't you?" Connor asks. He seems. . . Different here, away from his family. Brighter, maybe. More talkative. I hope he isn't doing this just to please her, but I'm glad that he's not acting as introverted as I did in front of his family.

"That's right," Mom replies. "I'm a nurse for now. I'm working on a law degree."

"Oh, cool," he says.

"I'm going to go get ready," Mom grunts, slipping her dishes in the sink. She comes over and kisses my forehead, causing my face to grow hot with embarrassment. "If you need anything you know where I am."

As she leaves, Connor snickers. I give him a glare, knowing what's going through his mind. "Momma's boy."

"Oh, shut up," I groan, pretending to throw my head against the table. "She's just been in a good mood ever since I asked if you could come over."

"Have you never had a friend over before?" he asks.

"Well, Jared, but he's a family friend so that doesn't really count," I shrug. "I've never really had a friend before. Since I don't have any siblings it's always just been the two of us."

"Kleinman?" Connor asks, a look of disgust on his face. "That kid that called me a freak at lunch the other day?"


I feel fear pulse through me. Connor looks mad, and I'm not sure what to say. I didn't realize that he was still angry over Jared's dumb comment. Was he. . . Is he still mad that I laughed. .?

"I'm sorry," I whisper.

I see the fury vanish from his face as I start to tremble, and he reaches over and touches my shoulder. The anger in his eyes turns to hurt, and he frowns slightly. "N-no," he says. "Sorry, I just. . ."

Connor shakes his head, pulling away. "I called you a freak too, didn't I," he breathes, looking down at his hands. "I pushed you. . ."

"It's okay," I say quietly, still shaking. "You were upset. I-I don't blame you. And I mean, I am kinda a freak. . ."

"No, don't say that!" Connor hisses, standing up and looking around. "The only thing that makes you seem like a freak is being my friend. If— if that's what we are now."

"If you don't want to be. . ."

"No, no, that's not what I meant. I want to be. I really want to be, Ev. . ."

I smile slightly at his words, standing up and facing him. "It's what I want too, Connor," I say quietly. "That's why I've done all this. Why I came last night and why I asked you to come tonight. It. . . It gets really lonely here."

"Then. . . Then let's start fresh," Connor says, smiling slightly. "Let's have this be the start of our friendship. Okay?"

"Of course. I think I'd like that. . ."

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