chapter 1

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today was the dreaded day. the day i had wished wouldn't come for weeks. i didn't want to move. i didn't want to get out of bed. i took my pillow and put it over my face hoping it would somehow block out the rest of the world forever. but of course it didn't. about ten seconds later there was a tap at my door.

"jordan, honey it's time to get up" my mom called from outside my door.

i knew she was still standing outside waiting for a response but after a couple moments she walked away.

i slowly got up and looked around my small empty room. last night i slept in a sleeping bag on the floor because my bed was packed away in a truck somewhere else. today we were moving. moving from my friends, my school, and everything i knew. me and my family lived in los angeles california but my dad got the news that he was being transferred to london england about a month ago. i didn't want to leave, everything i knew was right here. in this small circle. i was never actually good at making friends. i had a few close ones but that's all. the thing i would miss most was my best friend bailey. her and i have been friends since the second grade and i don't know what i'm going to do without seeing her every day.

i lazily walk into the bathroom down the hall where my clothes and toothbrush were waiting for me. i get ready and go downstairs to eat breakfast.

"morning hun" my dad said to me, not looking up from the newspaper he seemed to be engulfed in

"honey will you please put that down?" my mom asks him.

after giving her a cold hard stare he sets down his newspaper.

i walk over to the counter and pour myself a bowl of cereal in a paper bowl

"Jordan we will be leaving for the airport in about 20 minutes" my mom tells me

i nod and quickly finish my cereal and throw my stuff away

"i'm going to go say bye to bailey" i tell my parents and slip on my shoes and walk out the door before waiting for a response.

i walk to baileys house considering she only lived half of a block away.

i knock on the door and immediately baileys brother opens the door in just a pair of low slung gray joggers and no shirt

"hey jordy" he says smiling

"hey james" i say back trying not to look down from his eyes at his tanned bare torso.

james is 18, a year older than i am. i've always been fond of him. and by that i've always had a small crush on him. ever since the 7th grade. it wasn't that big of a deal but i could never tell him that because well, he's my best friends brother and because he's always been like a brother to me.

"is B here?" i ask.

a second later bailey comes from behind james. her blonde hair pulled into a messy bun and her blue eyes showing through her glasses


james scrunched his nose up as bailey wacks her brother in the stomach and he walks away mumbling something about an abusive sister.

i laugh and pull bailey into the biggest hug i could.

"ife gonfan misf you" i hear her say into my hair.

"what?" i ask laughing and pulling away.

"i'm gonna miss you" she says wiping away a tear.

i give her another tight hug and tell her i'm going to miss her too. but reassure her because i would call her a lot even when she didn't want me to

it was almost time to go and baileys mom and dad came out and gave me a hug also. james finally put a shirt on and after much thought i gave him a hug too. we talked a couple minutes about everything and how we were going to call and text every single day. she also mentioned that i better tell her as soon as i meet a boy. but i assured her that probably wasn't going to happen for awhile. or ever.

i trudged back to my house walking as slow as i could hoping that maybe my parents forgot me.

but no they didn't, they were waving towards me to get into the car from the driveway. they had already packed up my stuff and were ready to go.

i hopped in the back seat and put in my earbuds and starting listening to my music as we rode off towards the airport.

authors note

yea so basically this is my first story and idk if anyone is even going to read it lol. i know no harry styles yet but just wait it'll come

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