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harry's POV

we both got out of the car and grabbed our bags. the sun was setting and her porch lights were on. i knock on the door and we wait on her front step. she soon opens the door and i wrap my arms around her. when i'm done hugging her she gives jordan a hug as well. when we sit down at the counter.

"so how have you two been?" gemma asks

"i mean i think we've been good" i look at jordan and she smiles

"yea we have..." i regret gemma ever asking because 15 minutes later somehow the both of them were both in the couch sharing embarrassing stories about me,

"...so we were at my house and i was cleaning and didn't know harry came in... i had given him a key awhile back, anyways i was cleaning our pool and i had headphones on. i didn't know he ran up to come and give me a hug and at the same moment i had stepped to the side and he fell right in the pool" they both burst into laughter. i sit down next to jordan and wrap an arm around her waist, "we both were very surprised and shocked and he was basically soaking wet the rest of the day" they continue to laugh and gemma shares another story. i look at the clock 1:30 already. i was really tired from everything today, i also didn't feel very well but thought it was just becuase i was drowsy. i'm surprised that jordan wasn't either. i mean she could have been and i just might not have known it. she was good at hiding her real emotions when she wanted to. when gemma was done talking i cut in

"hey gems i think i'm going to call it a night, but you two have fun talking" i kiss jordan on the cheek and she smiles,

"you both are in the guest bedroom H!" gemma yells up after me

i plop down on the bed and scroll through my phone. after a couple minutes i decide to get changed,

jordan's POV

me and gemma continue to talk for awhile after harry leaves,

"so jordan, i've been meaning to ask you" gemma starts


"what do you see in harry? like a lot of girls who have dated him have liked him for his fame and money"

"oh... well, i don't want to seem like that. well one of the many reasons is he can actually calm me down, have you heard the story when i got into a car accident"


i explained the situation to her and the whole time she looked kind of shocked, "harry actually calmed me down after that, he was on tour but when i woke up i turned my phone on and saw a picture of him. i don't know he can just calm me down like no one else can"

she didn't really say anything at first but after a minutes she spoke, "that does make sense, you know when he came back for christmas he talked about you... a lot. even in front of stephanie.... god i hated her. i knew she was using him and in a way he was using her as well. but then i met you, and it's weird to think my baby brother has such an amazing girl in his life" she smiles

i kind of just stood there in shock. i didn't know what to say except mutter a quiet "thanks" she stands up next to me,

"no problem, now i'm going to go get some sleep, if you're hungry you can help yourself" she pats my shoulder, smiles and walks upstairs. i wasn't really hungry but i liked gemmas house, i decide to explore a little bit. her decorating style was really simplistic and clean and when i got a house of my own i wanted it to look like this. after exploring a few more minutes i climb the stairs to our bedroom. i found harry with his eyes closed laying over the covers of our bed. he was shirtless with his grey joggers slung low revealing the band of his calvin klien boxers. he had one arm slung over his chest and the other stretched out. i walk over to the side of the bed and kissed his forehead. i'm surprised for a moment and then press my hand against his cheek. he was really warm but he seemed to be shivering. he might be getting sick. i hope he wasn't. last time harry was sick i found out the hard way he gets very.... how do you say it... horny.... and emotional, which if you think about it, definitely is not a good combination. i went and got changed into a pair of shorts and a shirt i stole from james. when i come back out harry hasn't moved an inch which wasn't surprising, i managed to pull the covers over him and crawl in next to him. i pulled the big blanket around us and then realized that was a bad idea since harry's body was like a heater right now. i crawl on top of the covers but leave harry under because he was still shivering. i lay my head on top of his chest and my hand runs through his soft hair. a couple minutes later his arms wrap tightly around me. i looked up and he was still sleeping, no matter what, harry was always protective. wether he was awake or asleep. usually i went to the gym early in the morning and when i had to leave his house from spending the night he would hold me tighter while he was still asleep. or when he's awake. see he's not one to go beat up a guy if he looks at me a second too long. but he won't hesitate to flip someone off if he even thinks they're trying to check me out. or he'll just come up behind me, wrap his arms around my waist and watch the guy quickly walk away. tonight was no different, his arms stayed firm around my waist and i continued to run my hands through his hair. i felt his heartbeat and all that i could hear was the little puffs he gave when he exhaled. after a few minutes i leaned up, gave him a kiss on his jaw and fell asleep.

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