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authors note: AYOOOO for those who were waiting for the update i'm sorry. i was playing basketball and then high key passed out because i was so tired lmao. don't worry i'm ok now though

all the love


jordan's POV

me and harry go up to my room to talk. i sit down on the bed and he pulls up my desk chair right in front of me.

"so jordan, what's wrong?"

i pause trying to figure out how i want to word it. it will probably all come out as a rant though anyways

"well you left and my mom and dad got divorced" i clear my throat

"yea i know" he says slowly nodding

"...and that was hard"

"i can imagine.... jordan it's ok to talk about it"

i take a deep breath

"harry no matter what i tell you please don't treat me any different ok? please?"

"i promise i won't"

"ok well...."

i sigh

here it goes

"my mom left, and my dad was angry. like really angry. i was mad at them and asked lou if we could go out to keep my mind off things for a bit. and it helped. the first night was two weeks ago... he came home drunk, like really drunk. he was angry at me for being out too late and not telling him even though i said i was hanging out with lou. he hit me in the face with his beer bottle and that's where the scar on my forehead came from. things escalated. he got a girlfriend and she hates me. she really hates me harry and i didn't even do anything"

i pause tears starting to form making my vision blurry.

"the first day when you came home, he had just punched me in the nose and kicked me in the stomach. i forgot you were coming over and i wanted to cancel but then again i really needed to see you"

harry puts a hand on my shoulder and i flinch.

"uh sorry" he says and pulls away

"n-no it's... fine, anyways she called me stupid and said i was a failure constantly. she said i was a disappointment to my family. my dad kept hitting me and coming home drunk. before i tonight i haven't left the house since. i didn't want to see anyone or get weird looks because i know i look like a wreck. i keep having horrible nightmares of what's happening. and everyday... i just want to leave this world a little more"

by this time i was full out sobbing.

"and then, then i saw you with that girl! and i was angry! i thought how could you betray me? when i needed you most you were off with another girl. spending all your time with her when i was here alone. seeing you guys all happy made me so upset! you were out there having late date nights while i was here! i didn't want to talk to anyone! especially not you! because even though i was hurt i didn't want to worry you. you were living your life with your girl and i didn't want to ruin that. i wanted you to enjoy your time and i didn't need to get in the way. i haven't told my mom. or my brothers. you're the only person i've told"

i cry into my hands. my whole body is shaking and i start to hyperventilate.

harry's POV

she's crying. sobbing uncontrollably. i sit on the bed next to her and put my arm around her. she doesn't pull away this time but leans in. i wrap my over arm around her and gently rub her back. she calms down after a bit and i look her in her puffy red eyes.

"jordan, first things first, i am so sorry, but it's over now, you're safe now, he won't hurt you again. he's never going to hurt you again. ever. second i'm a little angry you didn't tell me, but i'm more worried, this has been going on for two weeks! and i've been out of town when you needed me most. i've been with stephanie and i didn't try harder to reach you. i'm sorry jordan"

"it's not your fault harry" she says and sniffs

"but i could have at least been there for you, and i'm sorry that i wasn't. i could have tried harder to figure out what was wrong"

i pull her into a tighter hug.

"can we get you cleaned up?"

"yea thats a good idea" she stands up and walks to the bathroom and i follow her

"where else has he hit you?" i ask kind of scared of the answer.

she turns around and pulls off her hoodie.

there are about a dozen bruises scattered on her back. and i shudder wondering how she endured it.

jordan's POV

i stand there while harry looks at my exposed back. i feel his hand lightly touch the sore spots. i then feel his arms wrap around me and his front press against my back.

"i'm sorry jordan" he whispered in my ear.

i turn around and hug him. it was good to have physical touch that wasn't hurting.

"haz i should clean up" i take a deep breath and wipe my face

"good idea" he kisses the top of my forehead.

i grab a towel and he goes to my bedroom.

harry's POV

i hear the shower start and i look around jordan's room. it's cute. but simple. the city lights are blinking through the rain that shown through her big window. on her desk is scattered different text books and papers. there are different notebooks with different writing and notes. and there's a framed picture of her and her brothers all with skateboards. on a stand is a record player. i look to see what records she has and put some good old ed sheeran. "castle on the hill" starts playing and i lay on her bed until she gets out. i get a notification and it's from stephanie.

"hey hazzypoo where did you go?"

"sorry steph but i went to a friends house to help them out"



"you would rather spend time with her than me?"

"steph she neeeded some help ok?"

"well how long are you going to be there?"

"i don't know"

"can we still watch movies tonight?"

"sorry probably not tonight love"

":( ok i love you haz"

"love ya too steph"

i click my phone off and the shower stops.

soon jordan comes out wearing a white t-shirt and some loose blue shorts.

she looks a little bit better. i mean less work out. physically she looks the same but her spirits seemed to have lifted a bit.

i stand up and walk over to her.

"hey so do you want to do anything?"

"um sure, i mean i bought all those groceries so want to eat?"

"that sounds good"

we head downstairs to make some food

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