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jordan's POV

i grab two bottles of water and it's in between songs so the boys are going wild. there's still a massive water fight going on and i slowly step out, i put a finger to my lips as the fans start screaming to silence them. louis and liam and are going around throwing water everywhere, at each other, the security, and the fans. niall is pouring it on himself and harry is at the very front of the stage telling a joke. he's already kind of wet from the water being sprayed around by the rest of the boys. i walk up to where i'm a couple feet behind him, i open both my water bottles,

"you want to tell joke?" he's asking a fan, "it has to be appropriate because THIS IS A FAMILY SHOW!" he turns his head and the crowd screams

i take a step closer and tip both of my water bottles upside down on harry's head, his white shirt is now soaked and partly see through and so is his hair. he quickly turns around with his mic in his hand, he stops, and stares at me with his mouth hanging wide open.

i put the mic i borrowed from liam up to my lips and give a cheeky grin,

"orrrrr isssss it?" i finish

harry's POV

i go up to the front of the stage and a fan wants to tell a joke, a couple seconds later i'm being drenched in water, i whip around and i'm ready to smack whoever it was and i see her standing there, what? i think my sickness was really getting to my brain and i was starting to hallucinate,

"well are you gonna do something lad?" louis says into his mic,

jordan's POV

harry envelopes me in a very wet hug, his body starts shaking and i rub his back. i release my hold and he finishes talking to the fan, i sit down on stage and after he comes and sits next to me. i tilt my head up and give him a long awaited kiss, niall comes up behind us and continues to stand, he takes the water he was holding and pours it over us. i'm now dripping wet, kissing harry and i quickly pull away, i grab harry's mic and my voice echoed throughout,

"niall you little shit!"

"SHES ANGRY!" he yells

i grab another water bottle and finally catch up
to him and drown him in water.

everyone's laughing now and harry comes up behind me,

"try talking to the crowd jordan" and everyone cheers,

"oh uh, ok, well hey guys, i have a joke" i look to the boys for reassurance, "what, do you call a fake noodle?"

there's remarks from the crowd,

"IN IMPASTA!" i start dying of laughter and there's cheers and laughs from the crowd, even some groans,

"ok i'm sorry it's my time to leave"

i walk back and sit down again until the show is over.


we arrive back at our hotel and me and harry are in a room with niall, he walks out to join louis and liam in their room,

"so why are you here jordan?"

i explain the situation and how niall explained. how i didn't want to stay mad at him and how i missed him, he stands up when i'm done and lifts me up, he encases me in a hug and wraps his arms tightly around me,

"jordan i'm so sorry"

"there's no need H, you didn't do anything"

he takes a deep breath in,

"i've missed you so much"

"i've missed you more" my voice slightly muffled from being in his shoulder

we stay there a couple more minutes and he looks down at me, his lips are soon pressed against mine. this time there wasn't anyone to pour water on us, but there still was people to burst open the door. we pull apart and the rest of the boys are laying on top of each other on my bed.

"hey guys let's play a game" liam suggests,

we all disperse on the two beds and i lean in next to harry and his arm goes around me.

"how about... three rounds of seven minutes in heaven" niall says

"what's that?" i ask confused

"you've never played?"


"then we definitely have to do it"

"ok but what is it?"

"you'll see" niall gives a devilish smirk

louis gets up and grabs a bottle of water from the fridge,

"ok everyone sit in a circle on the floor, we all huddled around on the floor and louis sets the bottle in the middle on the floor, i sit across from harry next to liam and louis

"oh no, this isn't like spin the bottle is it?" i ask

"no no, it's worse" harry says and laughs,

i just stare at everyone with wide eyes

"oh don't worry jojo it'll be ok" louis reassures

liam spins the bottle, it lands facing niall,

"ok now what?"

"well it's facing niall and liam so they go into the closet in complete dark for seven minutes and do whatever they want,

"whatever they want??" i furrow my eyebrows

"yup, whatever they want, annnnddd when they come out they don't have to share anything that they do"

niall and liam go into the closet and we shut the door,

"ok like to each other?" i ask my voice kind of high pitched my eyes brows raised

"if they want to" harry put an arm around me,

we turn up some music and watch the time, we all laugh and joke about what they were doing in there, seven minutes later they both come out,

"and how was your guys time?" louis asks

they just look at each other and laugh,

"shall we play again?" niall questions

we all sit back on the floor and this time niall spins the bottle, it lands on me.... and i look across.... and harry. this should be interesting,

there's a collective "ooooh's" from the others

"don't do anything too intimate in there louis says and closes the door.

the moment the door closes us in it goes pitch black.

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