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so um i watch a whole lot of tik tok... and the song wait is on there... and like whenever i hear it.... i cry... and i cant not cry. BECAUSE OF THAT ONE MALIGNANT CHAPTER!!! #ifykyk

all the love


jordan's POV

we land and we're all a bit tired. i run my arms and stretch out trying to get my body to wake up a bit.

"hey guys my dads on a business trip and my moms out for the weekend do you guys want to come to my place to hang out for a little bit? we can watch movies or play games or just hang out"

everyone agrees and that's where we're headed.

when we pull up to my driveway, they all kinda stare at my house. in fact i stared at my house still too. it was still hard to believe it was actually my house. i haven't totally gotten used to it yet. i show the guys around because they've never seen it. and to be honest a lot of the rooms i haven't even seen myself yet. i mostly stayed in the kitchen, the living room, and my room.

turns out there was a hot tub. a pool. and a movie theatre.


we all decide to watch a movie.

about halfway through everyone's snoring and i drift off too

we all wake up one by one just hanging out until everyone's awake. apparently niall was really tired because he stayed asleep leaned against me a half an hour longer than everyone else. when everyone's finally up we find out we're all hungry.

"hey i can make some food if you guys want" i suggest and shrug my shoulders

"YES HOMEMADE COOKING" niall shouts and we all laugh while he's jumping up and throwing his hands in the air

"i'm looking forward to it, it will be better than eating out every night.... thanks jojo" louis adds

harry's POV

we all walk upstairs and the guys and i sit down at the counter on the stools

jordan starts to grab some stuff out of her pantry and fridge and place them on the counter

"how does pancakes eggs and bacon sound?"

"amazing" louis says.

"better than cereal" liam says

"definitely better than fast food" niall adds

she starts pouring stuff in a bowl.

"JJ are you even measuring" i ask watching her pour random things into one big bowl

"harold don't question my cooking skills ok?" she throws a bit of flour at me, getting it all over my black t-shirt

"alright alright" i laugh trying to dust it off but it didn't work very well. it actually just spread it around

jordan walks over to the radio and puts her phone on it.

she turns her head.

"ok i've gotten to seen y'all preform and such maybe i should preform for you" she smirks

"uh oh" niall says

"hey i'm not THAT bad at singing nialler, i did take voice lessons in the second grade" she says rolling her eyes and dramatically flipping her hair

she blasts the music and starts singing "what makes you beautiful"

she pours a couple more things in the bowl and start stirring with a large spoon

wow she looks... adorable. absolutely adorable. just being herself dancing around the kitchen. singing her heart out. she wasn't actually a bad singer either

she grabs out a pan and starts whipping batter onto it.

then she throws the bacon in the oven and starts beating some eggs.

"baby you light up my world like nobody else" she starts doing some cheesy dance moves like the sprinkler and the guys all cheer and i laugh.

"YOU DONT KNOW YOURE BEAUTIFUL!" she whips the spoon that she was using as a mic at me and the next thing i know there's pancake batter on my shirt along with flour

"oh my god harry i'm so sorry" she laughs and i try to be mad but end up laughing too. the rest of the guys burst out into laughter as well.

"babe do you need me to lick it off for you?" niall comes closer smirking

"nope definitely not" i push his head away and widen my eyes

"hey there's a bathroom connected to my room that you can use"


i walk upstairs and hear the guys laughing some more. i noticed there's some portraits on the wall. jordan of course. an two other guys that look a little older than me. i've never seen them before. i assume its jordans brothers because they all look almost identical. the portrait right next to jordans though, he looks like her twin. brown wavy hair and deep blue eyes. i wonder where they were.

i find jordans bedroom and head to the bathroom. i noticed it smelled like her and i smiled. the stain wasn't as bad as i thought it was and i clean it up pretty quickly wiping it off with some towels

i noticed a picture on her mirror. it's of three little kids with frosting all over their faces. i think it's her and her brothers. it was really cute. then there was a picture of her and two other kids on skateboards. they looks to be teenagers, i think it was bailey and james. i recognized them from when we met them. they looked the same just a bit younger

she was a really cute little kid.

i head back downstairs before anyone wonders where i am

jordan finished the food and we all sit down and eat.

"this is amazing jojo" louis says

"thanks lou"

"yea this is good boo bear" niall says trying to fit a whole pancake in his mouth

jordan rolls her eyes,

"thanks ni"

the food was really good. i never knew jordan could cook. but it wasn't surprising because she seemed to be good at everything.

when we were all finished we all wash our dishes. we ended up with soapy water everywhere and liam having soap in his hair while zayn tried to cover lous face in it. when we clean that mess up we decide we should go home so i hug jordan.

"the food was really good JJ"

"thanks harry, sorry about your shirt"

"eh it'll wash out"

"...hopefully" she says her voice being muffled because it was in my shoulder

we all talk for a little while more and then everyone decides to head out and get some rest.

jordan's POV

once everyone leaves i turn on some music and start to clean. singing really loud because no one was home.

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