part 22

526 14 14

authors note: first off, TRIGGER WARNING, some abuse in this chapter!!!

yea i know the last part you was really short so i'll make this one longer for ya lovelies. also he is literally perfect!!

also: girls don't want boyfriends, they want a video of harry singing woman live that never ends

all the love


jordan's POV

ok bombshell. what?! they can't get divorced. its not aloud. it's not like it was a total surprise though, with all their fighting recently. but still i was really hoping they might figure everything out. go to marriage classes or something. talk it out maybe. not get a divorce

"what?" james asks raising his eyebrows

"we've already got all the paper work, because of this i am going to move back to california in a couple days to find some work and be closer to your aunt and jordan you're going to stay here with your father" my mom starts

i couldn't say anything.

except one thing

"bye william and james i love you"

i touch the screen and run upstairs.

i slam my door and slide down it and lean on the hard cold wood and cry. they can't do this. they can't just split our family up like this.

i don't know now long i stay there but i heard a light knock on my door.

"jordan honey?" i heard my moms voice through the dark oak door

"go away i don't want to talk!" i keep my face buried in my hands

"i know but because of some weather they've changed my flight. i leave in a couple of minutes"

i swing the door open to see my mom. i search her face for remorse or pity.

"how could you?"

"honey i know but right now it's the best thing. you've heard me and your father fighting" she puts a hand on my shoulder with a sad look in her eyes

"right and that means you figure it out. you work it out and go to therapy or something and-"

i stop talking trying to avoid bursting into tears again.

she pulls me into a hug.

"i know this is hard and sudden jordan, but i love you so much, and so does your father, you'll be able to visit and i'll visit too, and i can call you"

"i know, i love you mom, please remember to text, and stay safe, i'm going to miss you... i really wish there was some other way to solve this though"

"i know, we've been trying honey and i'm sorry. i love you too, your father is bringing me now"

i hug a little tighter and then let go.

she walks away and i'm left there. of course i'm not going to tell harry yet, he's with his family. i think niall went back to ireland to visit his family and zayn is spending time with perrie. liams visiting his grandparents. i think louis was home though. i call him to see.

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