fifty seven ya filthy animals

327 6 5

harry's POV

i knock on the door and a second later she opens it. she gestured for me to come inside and i do. while she's cooking i sit at her counter.

"what?" she asks looking over at me

"what do you mean what?"

"you're staring harold"

"mmm? you just look really cute right now"

"oh get off of harry" she smiles just the slightest

"wait wait look back up?"

"what?" she looks up at me with a small smile, when she sees my phone camera pointed at her she puts her hand up. luckily though i got a good picture before she did.

"why did you have to go do a shitty thing like that H?" she groans and i just laugh

she dishes up some food and hands me a bowl. the food was amazing. like always. it cheered me up a lot, i wasn't sad today or anything but i was feeling kinda of sick.

"jordan where did you learn to cook?"

"actually before he enlisted stan- or william really liked to cook, he taught me in his free time"

"that's great JJ"

"yea, and i asked them this morning what they thought of you..."

"nothing bad i hope" i was actually kind of worried

"no actually they said they really like you"


"yea really haz"

i give her a light kiss on the cheek,

"i'm glad they think so"

"me too haz"

jordan's phone starts ringing and she picks up and walks to the hallway.

jordan's POV


"hey jordan, it's noah do you think you could take my shift tomorrow? something came up and i don't think i could make it"

"i don't think i have anything going on, i think that will work"

"oh my god thank you so much"

"yea no problem"

"ok well i'll catch you around campus soon"

"you too, see you" i click the "end" button and walk back into the kitchen to find harry sitting on the counter coughing

"are you ok?"

"yea i think i might be getting sick though... who was that?"

"it was noah"


"yea bubs" i walk up to him,

"what did he want?"

"he was wondering if i could take his shift tomorrow that's all"


i look at him in the eyes

"yes harry... look i know it can be hard sometimes but not every phone call or conversation with a guy means i have feelings for them. i love you haz but sometimes you can get a little bit too protective"

he gives a big sigh, "yea JJ i know, i just, really don't want anything to happen to our relationship. i've had a lot of relationships go wrong when i thought they were going to go right. i just, i don't want anything to happen to us. you mean the world to me jordan"

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