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authors note: i'm not even going to lie when i say that i wheezed when i saw this^

all the love


jordans POV

i woke up in my bed. i remembered what happened. i looked down, my chest was wrapped in some bandages and it was a little sore but not too bad. i heard harry talking to someone

"no mum i literally cut her"

"is she ok?"

"yea the doctor said she would be, might have to sit out the next couple of days. she doesn't need stitches thankfully. i feel so bad though i didn't mean to"

"well harry, it was an accident and all you can do now is help her while she heals"

"yea i know"

"harry, she's a good girl. she's a tough girl. i really like her. i wanna come down and visit when things settle with you guys more"

"yea i'd like that"

"ok not go tend to your girlfriend baby"

"i will, thanks mum i love you"

"i love you too"

i hear him take a deep breath in.

"i still won" i say looking at him

"he shoots out of his chair"

"oh my god jordan i am so sorry"

"it's ok harry"

"no really i am so sorry and i feel so bad"

"harry, stop it's ok i'll be fine, that's probably the first of many injuries to come"

i sit up slowly and he sits down next to me. i lean over and nuzzled my face in his neck.  he wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my head.

"how're feeling?"

"mm just sore that's all"

"i'm sorry" he keeps peppering with kisses

"hazzzz it's ok i already told you"

"i know i just feel horrible"

"well then to make it up, how about we drive to the store and grab some food then come back here and watch some movies?"

"don't you have class and everything tomorrow?"

"no tomorrow's saturday, all i have is training at 1" i explain

"i'll make sure not to interfere with that"

i smile,

"let me uh just put a shirt on first" i slip a long sleeve shirt on and we walk out to harry's car. it was 9:30 and kind of peaceful. we drove a little while to a store and when i got out of the store i started shivering not realizing how cold it was. i think harry notices because he opened the back door of his car and grabbed out one of his hoodies. he handed it to me and smiled

"harry do you just keep this in your car?"

"ever since i started dating you"

i smile and slip it on and his arm goes around my waist. she walk into the store and look for some food. there were a couple of teenage girls there and they came up to me and harry walk past him and ask for a picture with me.


"yea!" the first girl says

"are you sure?"

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