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authors note: so story time- i remember when i first started becoming obsessed with harry. i was like "it's ok it'll pass" because i have liked celebrities before like tom holland and they only lasted like a year. anyways IT HAS NOT PASSED!!! i don't think ever will. in ten years ima still be drooling over him and honestly that's ok

all the love


harry's POV

she hung up on me.

i tried calling her back. multiple times.

she wouldn't answer though. every time it just went straight to voicemail

i tried texting her and still no response. she must have been really upset. because even when she was mad at least she would text me something small to let me know she was ok

we're in a hotel and i'm sharing a room with louis.

i try calling her a couple more times but she won't pick up.

"you good mate?" louis asks looking up at me. he probably saw my face which i wasn't tying to hide any of my worry right now

"no me and JJ just got in a fight and i don't really know what to do about it" i say and run my hands through my hair

"sorry to hear, can i ask what it was about?" he asks sitting on the edge of his bed holding a journal and pen that he used for song writing

"remember the drunk girl a couple nights ago at the club?"

"the one who was all over you and grinding on you and trying to kiss you? yea"

"uh" i groan out loud, "don't remind me. well somehow JJ found out, it was probably all over the news now that i think about it. well she called me and she thinks i got together with her and was hiding it from her like i didn't tell her"

"did you try and explain?"

"yea she wouldn't let me though, she got so mad. that's never happened before though. she even hung up before i could say anything else"

"hopefully everything clears up man, she's probably stressed about everything too. she just needs some time that's all"

"yea thanks"

my phone buzzes, it's JJs mom, maybe she was calling to tell me jordan was just too upset to talk right now


"harry! thank goodness can you put me on speaker?" it sounded urgent

"yea one second"

"ok is everyone there?"

"one minute"

louis runs to the other guys room and gets them.

"we're all here"

"ok good"

"mrs jearuea, is everything ok?" niall asks

"no, it's jordan" she pauses and i can hear her take in a deep breath

a pang of worry fills me. i suddenly get a bad feeling. kind of like when you eat something bad. or you just know that somethings off deep down in your gut. it's like a sixth sense somehow and i didn't like the feeling at all

"what about her" i ask frantic.

"she- she got in an accident" i can hear sirens over the phone, and multiple people yelling and her voice catches

"what?" liam asks

"i'm sorry" she clears her throat and explains, "jordan went out for a drive about 15 minutes ago, it's really dark out right now, and there was a drunk driver, jordan must not have seen and they collided head on. her car flew 15 feet through the air and she was ejected through the front windshield, she's on her way to the hospital right now" she sobs, "they don't know if she's going to be ok, they say she is very possibly bleeding internally. they know she has a bad concussion and they know for sure she has broken multiple bones. including her ribs and part of her leg. i didn't even get a chance to see her because they wheeled her into the ambulance so fast" she cries into the phone "i'm just so worried and you guys are her best friends. i didn't know who else i should call but i thought you guys should know about it"

louis starts talking, all the voices become a blur. JJ, beautiful, kind, loving JJ is on her way to the hospital. she was probably upset about our phone call. she was driving recklessly because i upset her. it's my fault. i don't know if she's going to make it. i cant lose her. not this soon. i didn't even get to tell her how thankful i was for her. i didn't get to tell her i actually did love her. i didn't tell her how much i appreciate our friendship and her hanging out with me. or remind her of our memories. i might never get to take her on a proper first date. or show her all my ideas. now all i may have left of her is memories.

liam snaps me out of it. i'm on me knees tears streaming down my face. body shaking. i try and fill my lungs with air but it's just not working. i can't handle it anymore.

i run out of the hotel i don't know where i'm going. i run down the streets not caring what people saw. but i find myself in an alley. i slide down the wall and sit there and cry my face in my hands.

this is all my fault.

authors note: i know short but intense chapter!

all the love


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