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i think we all know what harry wrote the song about now

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i think we all know what harry wrote the song about now....

all the love


jordan's POV

i watch them drive away and think about what had just happened. my best friend. the one who i've liked for awhile now. has a girlfriend who i hate. she doesn't stop talking and i was wondering how he could be so stupid dating someone like that. of course i didn't care about what she thought. but i couldn't hug him. because i was too angry at him for dating someone so stupid. because physical touch was hard right now. because if i did hug him i probably wouldn't let go. and everything would spill out into one big mess. so i kept it all inside. not letting it out. i should've told him my feelings. he probably didn't feel the same but maybe it would have stopped him from dating her.


it's been about two weeks since i last saw harry and stephanie. of course harry texted and called me but i didn't answer. i silenced my phone or let it go to voicemail. i had about 100 texts and calls from him. he's come to my house a couple times but i ignored him and stayed in bed. even when he kept knocking on the door i stayed in bed and ignored it until he went away. usually it took him about an hour to leave. school has started again. i stay to myself, especially after everything that has been going on. i still talk to olivia some but not like i used to. she's really busy but we were still good friends i think. i try and focus in my classes but it's really hard. my teachers have noticed and have given me extra time for my assignments which i was thankful for. but it also made me mad that i couldn't complete it on my own. i felt like a whole pity party. i hated pity. it made me feel so weak and helpless. my dad still came home drunk. he didn't hit me as much but he still did sometimes. him and jill were still dating and she, for some reason, hated me. she didn't hit me. but worse. she attacked my personal character. like calling me stupid and a failure and that i'll never be anything in life. how i needed to be more responsible and how she didn't know how my dad kept up with a disappointment like me.

one time harry visited me at school just to try and talk to me but he got mobbed by all the girls while i ran to my class, so he didn't try that again. that was the one time i was thankful for the crazy girls at my school.

unfortunately there wasn't any food in the house for dinner and i needed to stop ordering take out so i drove to the grocery store around 9:00 at night. it was dark and raining and cold. i was hoping the store would mostly be empty because of the time. of course with my luck harry was there with stephanie. but what the frick richard? how is it that out of all the times i come here somehow they're here also. i quickly walked through the aisles dodging the both of them.

i tried to keep avoiding him but it didn't work.

"uh heyyyyy guys" i say awkwardly in my voice that was still raspy and half gone when i ran into them. almost literally.

"oh fancy meeting you here jordan, what are you getting?" stephanie asks looking in my basket

"um just some food cuz we're out haha.... what about you guys?" i shift my weight so it's on my better leg

"oh me and haz are having a movie night and baking cookies" she smiles through her bright pink lipstick

"that's nice, well i should be going before it gets too late, you guys have fun though"

i start to walk away and give a small wave but harry falls after me

"wait jordan, do you want to join us?"

"no thanks harry but you guys go on and have fun"

i quickly walk away before he can argue. i bag my stuff up and quickly walk to my car and i throw my stuff in the trunk. i start my car and turn the radio off because it was playing one direction.

harry's POV

jordan walks away quickly and i can't miss my chance.

"stephanie hey i'm so sorry babe but i'm going to have to postpone tonight"

"aw babe why?"

"i just have something i need to do"

"oh ok, i love you"

"yes love you too" i kiss her on the cheek and run out.

i pray jordan didn't leave and spot her car. thank god. i run up to it and open the passenger side door and hop in.

jordan's POV

someone hops in my car and i scream a little. it's harry.

"oh my god what are you doing in my car?" i start coughing. the cold rain was not helping how i was feeling right now.

"drive and i'll tell you"


"come on drive jordan" he stares at me

oh my god. he's so annoyingly stubborn. i start driving though.

"so what do you want? you need a ride home? what happened to stephanie, i thought you guys were having a date night" i keep a tight grip on the wheel and my eyes locked on the road.

"what do i want?! jordan i want an explanation! you've ignored my calls my texts. even when i've gone to your house... and your school!" his voice raises

i stay silent.

"look, i'm sorry for yelling but i'm extremely worried. so are the guys. i've talked to them and they haven't heard or seen you for weeks. i tried calling olivia but she didn't know and neither did anyone else" he rubs his forehead looking stressed

"i know harry, my dad isn't home can we talk about this when we get back" my hands start shaking

"yea" he lets out a long sigh

we ride in dead silence the next ten minutes.

we get into the house and i dread the conversation i was about to have.

authors note: out of all the bad things modest has done for the boys one of the saddest is how you look at louis back then, in all the video diaries and at the shows. how he acted all goofy and silly and said the most random things. but now he's more serious and i feel like overall he's more sad and he does not smile as much. it honestly kills me what they did to them.


all the love


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