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jordan's POV

i change into some sweats and a t-shirt happy to be out of my previous outfit. i lay in my bunk and scroll through my phone. pictures of me on stage were up from tonight along with pictures of the boys performance. there were also a few pictures of the fans that i took pictures with. the bus stops for about 20 minutes and i don't think too hard about it until harry comes to my bunk,

"hey love"

"hey harry"

"so the boys stopped at the store hoping you might cook"

"oh, sure i guess"

"you don't have to"

"nah it's not a problem"

i hop off my bunk and harry places a kiss on my forehead, and i walk to the front,


"yea tommo i can"

"YAY" niall yells and throws himself on me into a hug, i lightly pat his head and he releases,

i see what they bought which was bread, bacon, chicken, lettuce, tomatoes, and ranch.

"guys what were you expecting me to make with this?"

"niall picked it out!" liam and louis said and they both pointed at niall,

"hey in my defense i've never cooked before so i didn't know what to get" niall throws his hands up in the air

i roll my eyes and start throwing stuff together, i thinly sliced the chicken and toast the bread, i throw the bacon into a frying pan and when that's done cook the chicken,

"anything i can help with love?" harry asks and wraps his arms around my waist and rests his chin on my shoulder,

"yea actually can you spread the ranch on the toast?"

"sure thing, what do i use?"

"um i think there's plastic knives in the cabinet" he rummages around and finds them, when he's done i place the chicken and bacon on the bread and slice the tomatoes and lettuce and place it on top.

"k guys i made sandwiches" everyone gathers around the small table again and they all dig in.

"mmm this is amazing jojo"

"yea this is great jordy"

"thanks boo bear"

"yea thanks love"

"no problem guys"

they all finish up their food and we all decide to hang out for a little bit, i sit down on the couch and harry sits below me. i start rubbing circles in harry's back and he gives a heavy sigh.

"hey jojo you did really good entertaining the crowd today"

"you think so? i was afraid i would bomb it, like not in the good way though.... more like hiroshima and nagasaki kind of thing"

they look kind of confused then i remembered none of them actually graduated high school

"no you did amazing" niall adds

"thanks ni"

we all talk a little more and liam and niall decide to head to bed, louis stays up and we talk about the upcoming show tomorrow night. a couple minutes later louis head to bed too, i continue to rub harry's back and he looks up at me,

"hey harry i think we should go to bed too"

"that's a good idea... uh can we sleep on the couch?"

"sure haz"

i grab my big blanket and crawl next to harry on the couch, he slips his arms around me and my breathing becomes slower,

"so how's school and work been?"

"it's good, my professor actually talked to me right before i left, he said he was really impressed with how i was doing. he said if i kept it up i could maybe be at the academy in a few years. and work is good, me and this guy named noah have become good friends"


"yea haz don't worry he has a girlfriend"

i feel his body relax a little,

"well ok"

after a couple more minutes harry's arms tighten a little more and his breathing becomes steady. i stay awake a little longer thinking about what's going to happen when i go back home. obviously work and school but being around the guys lately had made me realize that i'm actually kind of lonely. i just can't wait when everyone's home again and we can all hang out. soon my eyes drift asleep.

this dream i was trapped in a big dark room,
the lights kept switching on and off, then there was this creature and i didn't know what it was, i looked closer and it resembled my dad, with tattered clothes and twisted limbs, he had cuts that were bleeding out all over his body. he was coming at me with a broken beer bottle, and it seemed like my limbs gained 100 pounds. it's like i knew i was dreaming but i couldn't escape. i called for someone. anyone. but my voice came out as a tiny squeak. he was moving faster towards me and i tried to move but i was frozen. he lifted his arm up to strike and right before contact i jumped out of my sleep. i quickly buried my face in harry's shirt and hot tears streamed down my face, i felt so weak crying over a bad dream, it was stupid i know but i couldn't stop the flow of tears

harry's POV

i awake with a sudden movement, i hear sniffs and i know immediately what was wrong.

"shhhh" i whisper and rub up and down jordan's back, "it was just a dream" her breathing becomes a little more steady and i lean down and kiss the top of her head "it's ok i'm right here" her arms wrap a little tighter around me and i continue to rub her back until i was sure she had fallen asleep again.

a couple hours later we're awaken by blasting music. jordan lifts her head slightly and so do i. liams playing "long way down" and singing into a spoon. jordan rolls off me and onto the ground.

"liam did you really need to do that?" she groans from the ground"

"yes ma'am" he says and continues singing, and a couple minutes later everyone's up.


jordan's POV

the show tonight went well. nothing out of the ordinary happened. just the usual. and by that, the usual water fights and slipping on stage and bad dad jokes. harry was getting sick so we all made sure to do what we could to help him.

me and harry were laying on our bed in our hotel room. we were talking about everything trying to savor the last moments before i had to leave in the morning. harry gets a call and answers. after a few moments he hangs up.

"who was that?"



"yea he says i need to stay here and louis is going to take you to the airport because i'm getting sick"


"yea, i'm sorry jordan"

"no haz it's ok, you need to get better"

he wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my head and we soon fall asleep.

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