forty two lads

436 9 1

jordan's POV

the show was going pretty good, at least one time each of the boys started crying.

at the end they all got into one really big group hug, they all exit off the stage and no one really says anything, we were to go to this party at a club and enjoy ourselves one last time but i had a feeling it would be hard to have fun with the mood everyone was in.

we all hop in the limo and the ride is pretty much silent,

when we get there everyone's moods lightens up a bit.

we all sit down in a booth and shortly after everyone but harry goes to get a drink,

"so you want to talk about why you're not sleeping?"

"i mean no not really" i shrug my shoulders

"let me re-phrase that, why aren't you sleeping?" i wraps man arm around my shoulders

i let out a big sigh and rub my eyes,

"just bad dreams i guess"

"about what?"

"a lot of things"

"what have you tried to help?"

"i've tried drinking different kinds of tea, trying these online exercises and even went to the drug store to get stuff to help, but they always come back and i'm always left not being able to sleep"

i leave out the part where i haven't tried sleeping with him again though. he didn't need to know that.

"jordan why didn't you tell me?"

"haz you didn't need to be distracted from your show, you literally have so much going on and you didn't need to be worrying about me"

"but i really care about you, and if something like this happens i want to know about it"


he looks at me intently but i avoid eye contact, a couple seconds later the boys scoot into the booth, drinks in hand, it got really crowded and harry asked me to dance,

we get on the dance floor and harry ran into someone, i wasn't really paying attention though, the blaring lights and music, and lack of sleep, and stress made my head whoozy. everything was blurring together, the noises are becoming faint and all mushy, my head was starting to hurt and i just hoped it wouldn't get too bad like it usually did.

"jordannnn" harry's waving his hand in front of my face,

i shake my head quickly and blink hard a few times,

"hey this is ed"

i look up,

oh my freakin gosh, it's ed sheeran, i freaking loved his music like a lot, and he was standing right there. not going to lie i was kind of star struck, i need to play it cool

"oh shit" my eyes go wide and then i gain my composure "i mean, sorry... nice to meet you"

harry's POV

jordan looks like she's about to pass out, i put a protective hand on her back to make sure nothing happens, her and ed talk for a minute, and someone else starts calling him,

"it was nice seeing you again harry, and meeting you jordan" he takes her hand and kisses it, and small yet slightly annoying gesture,

i lead jordan into the dance floor and "thinking out loud" by ed sheeran comes on. ironic.

everyone starts slow dancing so i grab jordan's hand in mine, we start swaying to the music once again,

"you know haz, i don't know how you do it, all the shows, and the parties and interviews and meetings, what keeps you fueled? because honestly i'm not the one even doing this and i'm absolutely exhausted"

she pulls her head away slightly and i look at her in the eyes,

"i keep going, because i know that people do enjoy everything we do, and i like seeing people smiling because of us, and me, it gives me joy, and you being on tour with me, has made it ten times easier even if we don't get to spend a lot of time alone"

she smiles and we dance a little longer, a more upbeat song comes on and the rest of the boys join us, we all start dancing more until we were all tired and sweaty and head back to our booth,

we all order a drink and start talking, simon comes up to us and tell us we have to leave because it's 3am, we all get our stuff and head to our hotel,

"niall and louis you're sharing a room, liam and zayn you're sharing a room, and harry and jordan are sharing a room,

when we all head to our own rooms niall shoots me an annoying look, i roll my eyes and smile and head into my shared room.

jordan's POV

i plop down on my bed absolutely exhausted, i hear the door click but i don't bother to sit up, the alcohol and loss of sleep and my headache that was worsening has made me completely and utterly useless, a second later i see harry's face above mine,

"hey love"

"hey haz"

i sit up slightly and sigh at the growing pain in my head

"i'm gonna go change and shower" i get up and grab my stuff, and walk into the bathroom.

i stand under the warm water for about the minutes before doing anything. when i get out i put on some joggers and a large t-shirt i stole from james.

when i walk out harry's laying in his bed with gray sweatpants and no shirt, he's flipping through the TV channels and i sit down on my bed.

"haz i'm kinda hungry"

"do you want to order something?"


we look at the paper menu on the desk and decide to order a pizza,

thirty minutes later it arrives and we eat all of it, we then watch a little TV and i crawl under my covers and fall asleep.

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