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authors note: sara really out here living all our dreams...😞

all the love


jordand POV

"jordan? jordan please wake up"

maybe this was just a dream and now harry was waking me up for breakfast. but the more i listened the more i realized it wasnt harrys voice. no no it was someone elses. it was failiar. i've definitely heard it before. i open my eyes and my vision was blurry. they had blue eyes and blonde hair. niall?

no what the fuck jordan why would niall be here.

oh shit.


"thank god, jordan are you ok?"

i try and move my arms but realize they're tied behind me and my ankles are too.


"yea its me" he stares at me with his blue eyes that are full of worry

"are you ok?" i make out some purple bruises on his face. he doesnt look too hot.

"i should be asking you the same thing... what the hell are you doing here?" he asks kind of harshly

"i came to save you?" i state

"hows that going?"

"shut up im trying to figure it out as i go" i state blinking trying to adjust to the bright lights

"good morning sleeping beauty" a strange man comes into the room with a small box and sets it on the table beside us

"who are you?" i spit our at him

"darling im your worst nightmare"

i roll my eyes "cut the bullshit" i feel a blow to my cheek and someone lifting my chin up so im looking straight into the mans eyes

"sweety don't talk to me like that if you cherish life"

"im not scared of you" i say sternly

he moved from me and opens the box but his body is blocking my view from whats in it.

"i know you're not... but i know you care more here about sam than yourself" he holds up a syringe to sams neck and i yell out


"you think we're going to kill him?" the man asks smirking

"no honey this will just put him out so we can dump him somewhere your team will find him... that was the deal. we get you and we let him go"

shit. i forgot about that.

sams eyes go wide

"NO NO KEEP ME PLEASE LET HER GO" he says struggling against his chair

"sorry mate but we cant do that"

sam keeps struggling as the needle is pushed into his neck and he keeps fighting and struggling against his restraints

"its ok sam youre going to be ok" i say as his eyes close and i know hes out. at least hes going to be ok. the moment his eyes are shut two more men come in and untie him carrying him out somwhere. i take a moment to view my surroudings. it looks like we were in a large warehouse. concrete, no windows. sort of dim. different construction equipment around us.

"what do you want?" i ask the man as he rolls a large table with with various sharp looking tools on it towards me.

"i would like to see you suffer" he grins loking at me with his dark brown eyes

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