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authors note: this picture ^ doesn't really go with the story i just think it's really adorable and that's all. enjoy!

all the love


jordan's POV

it was a week after we got home and i was outside my house. ever since summer started my hair has been getting lighter hightlights and my skin tanner. i was looking around my garage for something to do. i found my old skateboard that was once long forgotten. i used to be really good. when me and james and bailey were younger and couldn't drive we would skateboard all around the city having fun. and when they were busy me jameson and will would go. i grab the skateboard and decide to see if i was still as good as i used to be. i hop on and ride down my driveway with ease. i don't go far, just up and down my street a bit. about half an hour later i saw the familiar white  lamborghini pull up into my driveway. i roll up next to the passenger side and flip my board up with ease. i tilt down my sunglasses and tap on the window. it slowly rolls down and harry is sitting there.

"what's up?" i ask him

"just bored and was wondering if you were around"

"yea sure, hey have you ever skateboarded?"

"is that was you were just doing?"


"nope, probably would fail"

i drag him out of the car while he protests and i go and find another board. harry takes off his jacket and tosses it in his car leaving him in black skinny jeans, a white shirt and black boots. i laugh and he gives me a confused look


"this is going to be fun"

*two hours later*

after watching harry fall off his skateboard numerous times and laughing about it he finally managed to ride it. well sort of. more like wobble on it while going extremely slow. this man could preform in front of thousands with ease yet not be able to ride a skateboard. figures.

"hey let's go ride somewhere?"

"love i don't think i'm good enough for that. i'm literally shit at this"

"come on please it'll be fun"

he rolls his eyes "fine, but let me grab my jacket"

he runs to his car and we go down the street. i had to slow down multiple times for harry to catch up which i didn't mind. we went on different paths throughout the city and just enjoyed our time.

harry's POV

we went around and i loved watching jordan. she seemed so happy and relaxed. i managed to pull out my phone and get a few pictures of her. it started getting dark and kind of cold so we rode back to the city to the coffee shop we met at. we sat and ordered hot chocolates and talk. i decide to post a picture i took of jordan because i really liked it

 i decide to post a picture i took of jordan because i really liked it

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