forty four

408 9 0

no one:
my search history:
one direction
niall horan
louis tomlinson
harry styles
liam payn
zayn malik
one direction 2020
will one direction be coming back?
how to not cry

jordan's POV

"what?" i turn around to face him

"can you stay with me tonight jordan?"

i look at the time 11:15, i don't have anything going on tomorrow except doing some shopping, i let out a heavy sigh,

"sure haz"

he puts a hand by my hand and cups my cheek with the other, he leans in and gives me a tender kiss,

"thank you" he mumbles against my lips,

i break away and set my coat across his desk chair,

"hey there's a hot tub out back, you want to go?" he asked me,

"haz i don't have the proper clothes for a hot tub"

come on i'll let you borrow some of mine when you're done"

after much nagging i agree, i don't know why agreed to it though, he can be so stubborn sometimes

"i'll meet you out there" he hands me a towel,

out back there was a hot tub, it was overlooking the big city because his house was up high, i take off my shirt and leggings, throw my hair into a bun and hop in. i go to the edge and take in the view and take a deep breath of the cold august air. i hear harry get in but don't bother to turn around, i soon feel his lips on my shoulder, despite the warm water there were goose bumps all over my body. i turn around and harry quickly presses his lips onto mine,

"you're absolutely gorgeous" he says pulling away slightly

"yea you're not too bad yourself" he laughs a little, we tread to the edge and he wraps an arm around my waist,

"so do you have any ideas where you went to go for schooling?"

"well haz, when i lived in california my dream was to go to a school out there..."

he doesn't respond and just looks at me, after a few moments he starts,

"you're moving back to california?"

"i've considered it"

"what's stopping you?"

"well, for one thing, you"


"yea, i would be halfway across the planet for months"

"love you know i'm going to be on tour for some of that right?"

"i know but when you're not"

"JJ i don't want to effect your decision but if you do go, i know i'm going to miss you, but i know you should do what you want to too"

"yea if i went, i would miss you, and the guys, and everything here"

"well, do you have an idea of where you're going to go?"

"i think i'm going to stay here actually"


"yea haz really"

he wraps his arms around me,

"oh thank god, i don't know what i would've done if you moved away"

a second later we both slipped and fell into the warm water, while we were under harry quickly grabbed hold of me so when we came back up his arms were wrapped tightly around mine,

he leaned in closer for a long heated kiss, he pulled away slightly

"jordan can you turn around?"

"um why?"

"because i noticed something"

i hesitantly turned around, i felt his soft fingers brush against certain parts of my back, i know what he noticed, it was my scars, some from my car crash and some from my dads abuse.

"are these from your d-"

"yea" i cut him off not really wanting to talk about it, whenever i think about it i get all teary, i knew it was stupid, it happened awhile ago, and i shouldn't cry, but i trusted harry.

i feel and hear his movement, and a second later he's wrapping his warm strong arms around me, i place my hands on his bare back, he kisses my forehead. after some time we decide to get out. we both dry off and head back inside. we both take our turns getting in the shower, harry gives me a shirt and sweatpants to borrow even though they're too big for me.

harry's POV

i crawl under the covers and wait for jordan who's in the bathroom, i'm glad she's staying, not just for me, but for her. i wanted to know how her nightmares had been lately, and i wanted to talk because starting in a couple of days we were both going to be really busy. i was going to miss her a lot while on tour. but hopefully she can come and visit sometimes. she walks out of the bathroom and gets under the blankets,

"jordan do you know if you've been excepted into the university yet?"

"no, i filled out an application online and they said they were going to call during the next week"

"i hope it all goes well"

"yea me too" she heaves a heavy sigh


"yea love?"

she sits up and leans on one elbow to face me,

"i don't know how i'm going to go that long without you"

"yea me neither, but you'll be able to come and visit, and when you're at school hopefully the time will go faster"

"yea that's true" she lays back down.

"hey bubs?"


"i'm hungry"

i let out a laugh,

"ok love you went to go get some food?"


so we venture down to the kitchen to grab some food.

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