14 ladies and gents

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authors note: when you're super depressed and all you have the motivation to do is write fan fiction....

and drive off a cliff...

anyone wanna join?

all the love


jordan's POV

about ten minutes later there's a light knocking at my door. i slowly get up because my ribs hurt. so did everything else actually. i reply like a walking potato. i grab my crutches and quietly get out. i couldn't see myself but i imagine i looked something like a penguin trying to wobble my way around.

i hear niall talking,

"so harold..." his voice echos through the lous speakers

i hear the crowd scream and cheer for a second

"yea niall" i hear harry say in a glum voice, he sounds so depressed wow. honestly a mood though. ok not the time jordan

wow i've missed him, and his voice, his deep raspy accent filled voice was one of my favorite things about him. and i couldn't wait to go out and see him

"we have a little surprise for you" niall continues talking

harry's POV

i'm so confused, can't we get the show on, then i can sleep, and text jordan to see if she's awake yet. or fall one of her parents and ask them. i just needed confirmation that she was ok. or doing better even.

"what is it?" i ask.

"close your eyes"

i reluctantly close them and niall points me toward the crowd. i hear the crowd suddenly scream and i'm even more confused. they're all going crazy, although i'm tempted i keep my eyes shut

"harry you can open your eyes, but don't turn around yet" says niall

jordan's POV

that's my cue. i hobble out and harry is facing away from me.

"so harry" niall starts, "this surprise took some work but we made it happen, we hope you like it..... well you better like it, because if you don't i think we can all say we would be a little offended. ok you can turn around now"

harry turns around.

he looks shocked. he just stands there. then he starts crying. i start hobbling up to him and he does the same as he wipes away his tears. he gives me a huge hug.

"jordan?" he whispers in my ear?


"i'm sorry"

"me too"

"there's nothing for you to be sorry about"

"well i'm sorry for hanging up on you"

he lets out a small laugh "i love you"

"i love you too haz"

i squeeze a little tighter and the crowd goes crazy.

harry finally lets go.

"so how long have you guys been planning this?" he laughs and sniffles

"about three days" liam says

"wow i must be oblivious"

"yea you kinda are" louis adds and the crowd laughs

niall comes up to me,

"jordan do you want to say anything?"

"uhhhh ....surprise" i put my hands up a little and grin

harry laughs

soon they start their concert and they're crazier than ever. louis has been chasing liam around with his water bottles, harry was untying nialls shoe while he was trying to sing and play guitar

"AND DON'T SAY CHONCE ITS CHANCE" harry says during 18.

of course with his thick irish accent it still comes out as "chonce" anyways.

"what even is a chonce anyways" i whisper to myself back stage

before a song harry tells the crowd a knock knock joke,

"knock knock, who's there, urine, urine who, urine insecure, don't know what for" he laughs thinking he was hilarious when we actually wasn't

then they start 'what makes you beautiful'.

when harry sings "you don't know your beautiful he points towards me and has the song stop

"how many of you would like jordan to come out here huh?"

there's cheering and screaming and he motions me forward.

i don't wanna come so i stand there and cross my arms over my chest and slightly shake my head

"come on love" he waves his hand forward and i still refuse

and the crowd goes wild

i still refuse so he comes and picks me up an arm beneath my knees and the other beneath my back. one leg was stretched out awkwardly trying to stay straight while the other was fine.

i grab the mic as he's carrying me out and the crowd is now going insane.

"i hate you harold" i say into the mic.

they finish midnight memories and harry is still right by my side supporting me because i didn't have my crutches. the loud music was starting to get to my head, i knew this was going to happen but i was too excited to see everyone finally, i try and ignore the pain and focus on the concert.

they were starting night changes and i got to sit down on the stage next to niall who was playing the guitar. i lean my head on his shoulder not really caring what anyone thought and smiled to myself taking in the everything

soon they finished the song and unexpectedly niall says

"who thinks harry and jordan would make a cute couple hah?"

i feel my cheeks get hot and slap my hand across my face while looking down and shaking my head slightly

"aw yeaaa what about, jarry maybe, hardan?"

soon the crowd is shouting hardin over and over. this is absolutely ridiculous.

i grab the nearest water bottle and dump it on niall and the crowd goes wild. once all of the contents are spilled out on nialls head i crumple the bottle and toss it at him

soon liam and louis are in the water fight and everyone else joins in.

i stand up and remember my knee because it locks and i fall forward.

thankfully harry catches me and i'm looking straight up at him.

the crowd starts cheering "kiss kiss kiss" probably provoked my naill.

harry leans down and i'm taken off gaurd, and he kisses me on the forehead.

"that's all you're going to get folks" he says with a cheeky grin

harry holds me up with one arm and niall runs up to us and trips and falls on the water.

everyone bursts into laughter at the sight and he gets up.

"looks like niall took a chonce trying to run when it's slippery" i lean over and say into the mic

the rest of the boys thought it was funny but niall didn't

"we have one more song for you all" harry says.

steal my girl comes on and harry holds tight to me the whole time.

at the end everyone gives me a big group hug and harry carries me off stage.

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