s•i•x•t•y f•i•v•e

226 7 4

harry's POV

one month. one month since i've seen the love of my life. i've only called her five times. she's told me all about the academy and how she's loving it and i was extremely happy for her. i told her about filming and what's going on here.

filming was really fun. i never thought i would like acting so much. during this time i've spent a lot of time body building. and writing songs. i usually ended up writing late into the night. i had finished my song i just wrote but was still trying to come up with a title for it. i would get home, release the album and then a few months later start tour. it was going to be busy and stressful but i was hoping to just go along and see what happens.

it was currently 10:00 and i started calling jordan. she answered the phone smiling.

"hey my love"

"hey bubz, hows filming?"

"it's going great. really fun time. how's the academy?"

"good..." she bites her lip, "HAZ GUESS WHAT!"

"WHAT?" i ask alarmed

"ok today i was in training and my trainer was watching me go hand to hand combat and he said i was doing really well and if i keep up i might be the best in my unit!" she squeals

"really? JJ that is amazing!"

"thanks harry! i'm loving it here. but i really miss you" her voice gets quiet

she looks away for a second and her roommate walks into the frame setting a box of oreos on her desk,

she laughs "thanks sam"

"yea no problem joe" he says and looks at the camera, "oh hey harry, good to see you again" he nods

i smile a little bit "nice seeing you too"

sam turns back to jordan "i'm gonna head to bed, goodnight"

"goodnight sam, thanks for the cookies"

i hear her door close quietly

"sorry harry"

"oh... it's ok"

"i know what you're thinking haz"

"what do you mean?"

"i've known you what, three years now? i know what you're feeling. i don't want you do be worried ok? nothing is going on"

"...ok" i run a hand through my hair

she nods and opens the package of cookies and starts eating one. i smile and remember just how beautiful she was. even when she eating a cookie.

"so how's the album?" she asks finishing

"it's good, actually can i play you a song i've been thinking about? i would really like your opinion"

"oh sure let's hear it"

i start playing the song and she listens to the whole thing.

"harry i really really like that, are you going to put it on the album?"

"i don't know yet..."

"you totally should, everyone would love it, i love it..."

"i'll think about it"

"well... ok... what's it called?"


"rightfully so" she laughs

"yea, so we have a break next week, i might be able to come and visit you"

"really?!" she yells then claps a hand over her mouth "i forgot sam is sleeping"

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