thirty one

483 13 4

jordan's POV

the rest of the night was really fun, we talked about tour and my schedule to see if i could go with them. we played games which ended in louis having to strip to his underwear outside, niall getting pied in the face with whipped cream, liam and zayn having to both sing a karaoke song together and me having to sit on harry's lap the rest of the game, which to be honest, i didn't mind a whole lot.

harry dropped me off, my dad was home unfortunately, but he seemed sober enough and jill wasn't there. i suggested he leave me outside just in case.

"thanks for coming over JJ, i've really missed you"

"yea no problem bubs, i missed you too"

"also me and guys have to finish recording our album and we're going to be busy, so i might not really see you a lot before tour"

"yea that makes sense, just gives me more reason why i should come with you all"

he laughs a little and then he gives me a hug and i rest my head against his shoulder, he smelled really good and i hugged him a little longer. he wrapped his arms a little tighter and when we let go i felt like a big gap had just been made. i wished i could close it, but i know that he should get going.

"i love you JJ"

"i love you too H"

he walks towards his car and before he steps in gives a small wave.

i watch him drive away and walk in the house.

"hey jordan come in here"

"uh hey"

i keep my safe distance from him.

"hey... i uh i just wanted to say broke up with jill"

"ok and?"

"and i made a decision for no more drinking, at all"

i laugh

"really? what made you think that?" i cross my arms over my chest

"i know, i've hurt you, i know you might not ever forgive me, but i just wanted to start fresh with... well everything... i was so upset about your mother leaving and.... i didn't handle it the correct way"

"fresh?! you beat me! fathers are supposed to protect their daughters, not put them in danger! you hurt me! you gave me scars that will never repair! on the inside and out! you have given me memories that will be in my mind forever! when i needed you most you weren't there" my voice broke at the end and i didn't need him to see me cry

i run upstairs and slam my door.

i cant believe he's trying to apologize. after everything he's done. i take a shower and ignore him. i keep my door locked and fall asleep hugging my pillow


it was the last day of finals and i had big tests in all of my classes.

i crawl out of bed and hop in the shower. i decide to wear some ripped jeans with a black belt and a white t-shirt. i straighten my hair and grab my bag.

ever since my dad tried to apologize i've avoided him, he's tried to be nice, like bring me food or leaving me notes. but it would take awhile to mend our relationship. i had to leave so i grab a bagel and head to my car.

on the way there i get a call from harry and i put him on speaker.

"hey haz"

"good morning jordan, i know you have your last day of finals today, good luck"

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