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what do you do when you best friend won't open his texts? YOU POST ANOTHER CHAPTER!!!

all the love


jordan's POV

"jordan are you going to cook for me?" harry asks following me into the kitchen

"harry i would but i'm too tired" i say pursing my lips

"i was joking.... partly"

"how about i'll make you breakfast"

"yes!" he gives a ridiculously big smile making his dimples pop

i throw some waffles in the toaster and play some music. i'm feeling a little better. it would take awhile to recover but it was a good start. i felt good to finally tell harry what i was feeling. i just didn't want him to see me differently. i wanted this all to be over and for everything to go back to normal again.

harry's POV

jordan actually looks genuinely ok. as ok as she can be anyways. and i'm happy. it will probably take her awhile to recover mentally and physically but i'm going to be there to help her. no more leaving her. even if it meant spending a lot less time with stephanie. because jordan needs me right now more than ever. she throws some waffles on a plate and puts a bunch of stuff on it. spooning this and that and sprinkling other stuff on it.

she grabs the plates and slides one over to me

"JJ what exactly is in this?"

"waffles, whipped cream, nutella, strawberries... try it haz" she pushed it a little closer

"i don't know...."

"come on it's good, i used to make this for james and will all the time"

"JJ i would rather not die from diabetes, the ladies would go crazy if they found out i died from waffles" i pucker my lips a bit furrowing my eyebrows at the plate

"oh come off it and try it you big baby you're not going to die" she rolls her eyes

she waves a forkful of waffle next to my face

"mmmm" i shake my head

"come on haz choo chooooo"

i hesitantly take a bite and surprisingly it tastes good. better than i expected it to.

we finish eating and jordan yawns.

"so jordan when is your dad coming back?"

"honestly i don't know, he's at jills, sometimes he stays there for days at a time"

she grabs our plates and starts washing them.

"what do you do?"

"eh go to school, do my normal stuff as best as i can, and stay in the house i guess"

i sigh. she should have someone to help her. to be here with her because she shouldn't be alone.

i get up and help her with the dishes. when we're done we go back upstairs.

"hey haz?"

"yea JJ"

"i don't know what you were planning, but uh could you maybe stay here tonight? unless you know stephanie would be mad" she shrugs her shoulders


i start grabbing a blanket and laying it on the floor.

"what are you doing?"

"making my bed?"

"harry my bed is huge you can just sleep here" she pats the spot next to her

"oh ok"

i crawl under the covers and sit about a foot away from jordan.

"harold i don't bite" she laughs

i smile and ease up. we both scoot a little closer until our bodies are touching.

"hey wanna watch some TV?"


she grabs the remote and flips through the channels before settling on "mean girls".
she lays her head on my chest and i wrap my arms tightly around her. she has a big blanket and i pull it around her making sure she's comfortable. her breathing becomes steady and i turn off the TV and lights, kiss her on top the head and soon i fall asleep too.

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