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jordan's POV

i wake up and i'm in my car for some reason. it's still dark out. i'm driving down a road in london, trees are zooming past, i can't seem to take control of the wheel though. i tried pressing on the brakes but it was useless. it all happened in slow motion, another cars headlights blinded me, we collided head on and time seemed to stop, i was flying through the air, the airbags blew off, shattered glass flying everywhere, the car 10 feet airborne. my head goes through the front window and i'm ejected and land next to the flaming car. i cant seem to move. i shift my eyes and there's someone laying about 10 feet away from me. i blink and realize it's harry. he's not moving. i try and call out to wake him up but it's no use. i didn't want to believe he was gone. and it was my fault.

i wake up in a cold sweat, my chest heaving up and down, tears streaming down my face, it was just a dream. another horrible awful dream. i look at the clock 4AM. i try and slow my breathing so i don't wake harry. i sit on the end of my bed my face in my hands trying to stay quiet.

harry's POV

i'm awakened in my dark room from the movement in jordan's bed. i roll over and she doesn't look ok, her elbows on her knees and her head in her hands, her whole body shaking,

"jordan?" i ask with concern

"uh yea bubs? sorry did i wake you?" she doesn't look up and sniffs

"come here"

she looks up and her face is stained with tears, she gets up and walks over to the side of my bed,

"what's wrong?"

"it was just another dream, i'll be ok haz, sorry i woke you" she turns around,



"can you come lay with me?" i ask hopefully

she turns around slowly and after a moment she crawls under the covers, i hated seeing her hurt like this, i felt so useless, and hopeless, it's like she was right there but i couldn't do anything to help. it felt like she was a ghost and there was nothing i could do to reach her. i needed to comfort her though.

jordan's POV

harry moved a little closer and i laid my head on his chest, one of my hands went around his torso and his wrapped around my waist,

"what was it about?"

i explained it to him, my breathing became a little more uneven just thinking about it,

"hey it's ok" he said in a hushed tone,

he rubbed his hand up and down my back and his hold became a little tighter, after a couple minutes i felt a whole lot better,

"thank you harry"

"for what love?"

"for always being there for me and for making me feel better"


and with that i fell asleep.

the next morning we all packed our stuff and headed to the airport.


it's been a couple weeks after we arrived home, i've been searching up universities to go to for law enforcement, harry and the guys have been taking a break before they start recording for their last album. i was still living at home with my dad, our relationship definitely was far from perfect, but slowly it was getting better. my nightmares were still persistent but i still didn't tell harry about them. i haven't seen him for about a week because we were both really busy. but today i was going to his house to hang out.

i knock on his door and he opens it right away. immediately i'm caught in a really tight hug. i'm quickly enveloped in harry's scent that i've missed so much.

harry's POV

wow i've missed her, a lot. i quickly wrap her in a tight hug. she takes a few deep breathes and i loosen a bit.

"i've missed you" she grabs a little tighter

"i've missed you more love"

this is what i live for. these moments. we don't need to speak one word, we can just be in each other's arms. content. after a couple minutes we head inside.

jordan plops down on my bed,

"so haz what have you been up to?"

"i've been thinking of song ideas playing around with them, and in reality i've been thinking about what i'm going to do when i'm done with our last tour"

i walk over to the bed


"well of course i really want to start a solo career, and... i want to stay with you"

"aw haz, you totally can start a solo career, you've definitely got the talent, and everyone loves you"

those words were reassuring, it felt good that someone else agreed with me about being good enough to go solo. when we decided we were all going on hiatus after this tour everyone was sad but deep down we knew it was the right decision for now. we all needed a break. besides it was just a hiatus and not permanent and we would be back soon.

jordan stands up and steps a little closer, i lean in and kiss her forehead,

the rest of the day we spend inside, she tells me how she wants to go into law enforcement, i tell her it's dangerous and i'll be worried, and she tells me i sounded like her mum.

it was about 11:00 and jordan stands up,

"haz i should go home"

i follow her upstairs into my room where the radio is playing quietly, she slips on her coat and i stand in front of the doorway

jordan's POV

i throw my lanyard over my head and walk towards the door, harry blocks it,

"haz i really need to go if i want to get to bed on time" i start, he steps closer and my back presses to the wall, his face inches away.

"will you please stay?"

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