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harry's POV

i was becoming worried about jordan. when i dropped her off she was stumbling all over herself. trying to grab her keys. opening her garage. i know she could be clumsy but this was just tiredness. i know she was really tired. i had just hoped she would get some sleep tonight. i head back to my house and unpack all my things. i was really glad jordan could come with. it helped a lot. she looked amazing and i don't know how she got with me. she was practically good at everything she did. she was strong. and independent. but just dependent enough where i felt needed. she was overall perfect and i loved her so much. i sat down at my desk and decide to write a note to jordan.

jordans POV

it was 2am and i was planning james's birthday still. everything needed to be perfect. an hour later i finally had it all out on paper, it was perfected. i was so ready to go to bed but i knew i couldn't. while away with harry i got an idea. i really good idea. it was for him. by the time i was done it was 6am. i had one last thing to do which was to write a note to harry. by the time that was done it was 7:30 because i couldn't figure out the words to write down. i decided to hop in the shower to try and wash away the tiredness in my eyes. when i got out i threw on a pair of jeans shorts, with a short sleeve shirt and i wore my hair in a ponytail. i applied some light makeup and grabbed all my things. when i got downstairs i poured myself a bowl of cereal and decided to call harry.


"hey haz.... wait i'm sorry did i wake you?"

i looked at the time, 7:50, i had probably woken him up


"oh sorry"

"it's ok love, are you ok?"

"yea i am, i just wanted to check in with you, how did you sleep?"

"really good, how about you?"

"...um well" i run the back of my neck

"did you not sleep good?"

"it's not that..."



"did you sleep?"

"um.... not really"


"i know harry you don't need to lecture me ok? i have my coffee and i'll be ok"

"no you won't, you've slept 10 hours this week"

"yes and i've drank a lot of caffeine. i'll survive" i roll my eyes

he lets out a deep breath

"ok, but you call me if you need anything ok? please try and rest later though"

"yea i will" i say and grabbed my stuff and hopping in my car,

"it's james's birthday today right?"


"i hope that goes well"

"yea me too, what are you doing today?"

"mostly packing"

"....oh yea"

harry did leave tomorrow night. i shake the thought out of my mind as i kept driving towards the airport

"well harry i should get going i'm picking them up in a few minutes"

"sounds good love... JJ?"


"i love you, you know that right?"

"yea, i do, i love you more, bye" i hung up and turned the music up louder.

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