part 56

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jordan's POV

the next morning i wake up with the sun on my face. harry's arm is around my stomach and his lips move every time he lets out a little puff of air. i slowly slip out from under his arm and look through his closet. i throw on one of his sweatshirts and hang the other one i had borrowed back up. i find a piece of paper and a pen and scribble a note for harry,

harry, i'm sorry i went home so i could spend time with william and james. i promise once they have to leave again we will be able to spend more time together too. i didn't wake you because you looked too peaceful with your face squished in your pillow. i love you harold.


i fold up the note and leave it on my pillow on the other side of the bed, i kiss harry on the forehead and quietly walk out his door.

when i arrive back home i start cooking will and james favorite, a french toast bake, it takes me about a half an hour later and i set it all up on the table. soon both james and william come down shirtless.

"smells great rosy" will says

"thanks stan"

we all sit down and dish out food

"mmm this is so much better than military food, our cook, her name is linda, she burns every thing" james says while taking a big bite

i let out a laugh

"it's true" will adds

i bite my bottom lip dreading what was going to come out next

"so uh guys, what do you think of harry? honestly?" i was scared for what they were going to say but i needed to know their opinions, at first they don't answer which worried me but then james speaks up

"in my honest opinion joe, i actually like him. sure it was a surprise to come home and find out you had a boyfriend. but i think he's good for you. he's definitely better than logan and he seems genuine. plus he's a freaking famous pop star, plus he's handsome if i say so myself" he shrugs his shoulders

"i'm glad you think so, but he's not a pop star charles"

"sis i looked him up and he has a lot of followers, plus it seems like everyone loves him. like all the ladies. and he's everywhere"

"well i don't know i guess"

"well in my opinion, he's 100x better than any of your other boyfriends. he seems like he's going to treat you right which is all that matters. and if you didn't mind we should all hang out again before we have to leave"

"i'm glad you guys think so, it means a lot what you guys think. and sure i'll ask him if he wants to hang out later this week. but for today what do you guys want to do?"

"how about we go to the gym, or for a good old run?"

"shut up will jordan probably doesn't want to go to the gym or go for a run"

"actually how about we go to the gym and then go for a run?" i suggest

they both stop mid chew and look at me,

"you actually want to?"

"yea sure why not?"

"i don't know, but sure let's do it"

when we were all done we all get changed. i put on a pair of black athletic leggings, my white tennis shoes and a white tank top. i put my hair in a ponytail and then we all meet by the front door. we all set out for a long run.

"jordan now are you not tired?" james puffs out as we stop on the sidewalk, we've ran about five miles,

"the question is how are you tired? how has he been surviving in the military this guy?" i ask rhetorically

"i have no idea" will laughs

"hey harry's house is about two minutes away we could run to it"

"i don't think your boyfriend would want to see three sweaty people show up at his door"

"yea i guess your right, hey last to get home has to buy dinner tonight"

"deal" they both say and we all run off towards our house again.


jordan's POV

this morning i was driving james and william to the airport. throughout the week we had spent time together doing random things. a couple of those days harry joined us too. it was going to be hard not having them around again. even though i hadn't seen them for years before this, the time that they were here felt normal. i know i missed them but it made me realize even more how much i actually did miss them when i saw them.

"you're quiet joe"

"i'm just going to miss t oh guys"

"hey actually we forgot to tell you but we're both looking to get promoted, and if we do, we'll get to visit more"



"i hope it all goes well because sometimes it gets lonely"

"what about harry"

"well i have harry yea, but he's probably going to be busy soon"

"i still can't believe you managed to find a famous singer"

"yea sometimes i can't believe it either" i let out a small laugh

when i dropped them off i have them both a really big hug.

"i love you both"

"i love you joe"

"yea i love you rosy hopefully we can visit again soon"

"yea hopefully, stay safe guys"

they walk through the doors and i'm left staring after them.

the drive home was uneventful and quiet, i stop at the store to pick up some groceries for dinner. when i get into my car again i get a call from harry and i put him on speaker phone.

"hey haz"

"hey jordan i was wondering what you're doing today"

"i was just picking up groceries at the store to make some lunch actually.... you wanna come over?"

"sure that would be great"

"ok see you then"

"see you, love you"

"love you more bubs"

i hang up the phone and pull up into the driveway. i bring the few bags i had in and set them on the counter. i start throwing some food into a pan and boil some water, a few minutes later there's a knocking at my door.

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