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authors note: i-

harry is the reason i'm single. he has set my expectations too high👊🏻🤧

also it has come to the point where if someone calls harry ugly i take personal offense

all the love


jordan's POV

i wake up to my phone ringing. my head is throbbing but i answer it phone anyways

"hello" i rub my forehead

"hey love how did you sleep?"

"oh hey haz, yea i slept good"

"you sound sick"

"no it's just my head really hurts, and my chest and my knee"

"love you sound sick though" he persists

"i'll be ok harry... really"

"if you're sure... but if you need anything please call me. literally anything ok? by the way me and the guys have a meeting today to talk about some stuff just to let you know" he says after a minute

"ok thanks, i'll be out shopping with my mom and dad for christmas"

"ok just get some rest and stay healthy, and drink a lot of water for your head"

"you sound like my mother"

he laughs a little,

"well i gotta go, love you"

"love you too harold"

i hang up the phone and get changed. i go to my bathroom and grab some painkillers and down them hoping my headache would go away.

i make some food and clean the house up a little so it looks slightly presentable for when they get home.

before i know it both my mom and dad are home asking me about harry and school and friends and harry and grades and homework and life and more harry.

once they're done interrogating me we all head out shopping.

i find a cute teddy bear and an orange and green bracelet that i had custom done so it said "NIALLER" on it for niall. plus i got him some of his favorite food. a silver necklace with a small cross on it for harry along with a ring that had a big H on it. a box of waffles and a coffee mug that said "this coffee is stronger than my attitude" for louis. a hat for liam and a keychain that said "lima bean" on it. a box of zayns favorite cereal along with a small stuffed unicorn as a funny joke. a cute skirt for Bailey and some gift cards and different clothing items for william and james.

soon we're all tired and we head home. i go upstairs to wrap my presents and heard my parents start to argue again.

i throw in a pair of earbuds and turn the volume all the way up drowning out their voices.

i finish wrapping and realize it was a bad idea to listen to the music so loud because now my head is pounding even harder.

i stand up a little too quickly and immediately become dizzy. i lean over on the rail of my bed and steady myself. i decide to head downstairs to get some water and check the time. it's already 1:00am. i didn't realize how long i had been wrapping. i go downstairs and get a cup of water. i hear snoring coming from the couch and see my dad fast asleep. my parents weren't doing well. i hope they would figure things out though because i don't know what i would do without the two of them.

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