part seven bois

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another authors note: THE FACT THAT I JUST WATCHED HARRY GIVE GEMMA A KISS ON THE CHEEK ACTUALLY KILLS ME🥺🥺 also i have 4 chapters left in the malignant series and i'm not ready guys 🤧😔👊🏻

all the love


jordan's POV

i wake up around 9. today is the day the boys preform their first tour concert. it was a big day and i knew i was going to be tired at the end of it but it will all be with it. i lay there a couple more minutes too tired to get out of bed but then decide i probably should.

i get out of bed and decide what i'm going to wear. i finally chose a spaghetti strap royal blue dress that has a low cut and goes down to about mid thigh and brings out my eyes. i chose a pair of silver earrings, a matching necklace, and decide to have my hair curled. i pull out a pair of black shirt heels to go with it also. i usually hates wearing dresses. even skirts. but i didn't know how nice i needed to dress and i didn't want to be under dressed.

i walk downstairs and eat some breakfast and get a text from harry.

"when you get there i'll be waiting in backstage. ily."

i quickly reply back and put my dishes away and head back upstairs.

i take a nice long hot shower and when i'm done start to get ready.

i do my makeup in a nice natural look, curl my hair and slip on my shoes and dress.

when i'm finished i sit down at my desk and decide to write a note to harry.

about an hour later it's time for me to head out so i make the 30 minute drive to the venue while listening to some one direction music for tonight.

when i arrive backstage two buff looking guards stop me from entering.

"sorry missy you're going to have to leave" one of them says.

"i'm friends with harry actually" i say reassuringly trying to step through them.

"yea that's what they all say" the other one says and grabs my arm "lets go"

just as he's about to drag me away harry comes from behind them. i tug free of the big mans grasp and hug harry.

"hey haz" i say into his curly hair.

"hey" he says and hugs me back.

after shooting the security guards a knowing glance he leads me backstage.

he gives me a pass that says VIP and explains how i won't have a problem getting back here anymore.

"show starts in 5!" i hear simon yell.

i guess i should have gotten here earlier

"can you find your spot yourself?" harry asks.

i nod and he kisses me on the forehead before walking away.

harry's POV

i hear some commotion coming from the entrance, go back stage and see what's going on, security isn't letting jordan through so i go and save her.

when i lead her back i catch a glimpse. she's wearing a dress that brings out her gorgeous eyes and her hair falls perfectly on her shoulders. she looks absolutely stunning, in all the time i've known her, this is the most dressed up she's been. i stand there gawking probably looking like a creepy idiot and then i'm snapped back into reality

it's almost time to go so i kiss her on the forehead and find the guys.

we were being announced and we all run out. and there she is. i had her stand right below me and i look down at her and wink. all the girls around her go crazy probably thinking it was for them. but she just gives a small smile and looks down. then we start our first song.

jordan's POV

they're preforming their last song. steal my girl. harry looks adorable up there. in fact they all do. but when it's time for harry's solo he doesn't look to the crowd, he just looks down at me while he sings.

when the song ends and every one takes their bows

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when the song ends and every one takes their bows. harry steps up. what was he doing?

"i would just like to give a quick shout out to my best friend. for being here and supporting me. supporting the band. i know i'm going to have to leave you for awhile and i'm going to miss you like crazy. but just know i love you JJ" he says and looks forward.

the rest of the band says "we love you JJ, and i'll miss you, and thanks" and then heads off the stage

i felt my cheeks get hot as i slapped my forehead in my hand. i make my way through the crowd to backstage and see the guys. i give each and everyone of them a hug and say my goodbyes. then i realize i can't find harry. i heard one of them say he's in his dressing room so i go and look.

i knock on the door and open it up. he's sitting there and looks up.

"hey harold" i say and walk up to him.

i'm standing right in front of him and he leans over. i cradle his head next to my stomach and stand there for a minute. he pulls away.

"i'm going to miss you JJ" he says.

"oh hush you're going to be out living your dream while i'm stuck here doing homework and school" i let out a laugh and he gives a toothy grin.

just then we hear simon banging on the door.

"harry it's time to leave"

he stands up and wraps his arms around me.

"i love you JJ" he says and kisses my head.

"i love you too haz" i say and hug tighter.

"well i better go before simon has my head" he laughs.

he starts to walk out and i catch his arm. i hand him the letter.

"don't open this until you get on the bus" i say.

he takes it and smiles.

"thank you"

i nod not wanting him to hear the pain in my voice.

he turns around and he walks out. and i'm left all alone. again.

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