part 11

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harry's POV

i woke up to simon banging on the door, my arm is wrapped around jordans waist and i don't know how that happened. i release it quickly and run my eyes.

i quickly jump out of bed and open the door.

"we leave in 3 hours so do what you want until then" he says with his usual unappealing look on his face

"thanks simon"

he walks away to his room without saying anything else.

"hey guys" i throw a pillow at niall and gently shake jordan awake.

"if we wanna do something before our flight we should get ready"

"uhhh five more minutes" niall complains and tolls over and pulls the covers over his head

i roll my eyes, but jordan is out of bed.

"morning bubs"

"morning love"

"i'm gonna take a shower" she says and grabs her clothes.

niall is still asleep so i wake him up more by hitting him with another pillow

i call liam to make sure him louis and zayn are up.

jordan's POV

i get out of the shower and throw on a shirt and some leggings. my flight was tonight and i didn't want to leave.

i walk out of the bathroom and the rest of the guys are there. i quickly pack up my stuff and we all head to the car.

"so what are the plans?" niall asks.

"i could show you guys around since i did used to live here" i suggest shrugging my shoulders

no one has any better ideas so we agree.

i move to the front seat and tell the driver where to go.

we arrive at the Hollywood sign about a half an hour later. it's incredible and the guys think so too. not like they haven't already been here but it was still nice. we take a couple pictures and so do some fans. some of them ever started crying.

next we go to my favorite restaurant. that's where we eat lunch and laugh and talk and joke around.

then we head to a couple other places and before i know it, it's time to head to the airport.

the guys can't go to security with me so they decide to drop me off at the door.

i give everyone a hug and tell them good luck.

i hug harry lastly,

"bye haz"

"bye JJ, i'll see you in a couple weeks, i love you and remember you can call with anything"

"yea, love you more harold, and don't worry i definitely will" i say and give a small smile

we hug there a little longer and then i walk through the doors into the airport.

i look back and they're all there watching me. i give a small wave goodbye getting kind of sad knowing i won't we them all again for awhile.


the flight lands and my dad is there to pick me up.

i tell him all about my time and how amazing it was. all that i did and saw and how it was good being back in california even if it was only for a little bit. i told him how i showed them around the city and how the show was really amazing as always. no matter how many times i watched them preform it never got old.

the next day i go to school. by now everyone has seen footage of me and harry on basically every platform of social media. everyone crowds me asks me question and suddenly wants to be my friend or wants to talk or hang out

about a week of this and i'm already tired and stressed. i started getting anxiety attacks a couple days ago and i hoped they would stop soon. sometimes they were minor but sometimes they got so bad the nurse had to excuse me so i could go home. nothing really calmed me down from them, i usually had to just wait them out until i felt better. my dad suggested a doctor and i had thought about it.

i flop on my bed and decide i should call harry.

i get a notification from youtube and click on it first.

the title says "harry styles new girl??" it already had 500k views and i click on it.

the footage is kind of fuzzy but i can see it's harry at a bar getting comfortable with another girl. anger fills me, he didn't tell me about her? the video was already three days old.

i dial harry's number.

"hey JJ"

"HAROLD! you didn't want to tell me about the girl you were getting cozy with?"

there's a pause,

"what girl?"

"oh don't act dumb"

"no JJ seriously which one?"

"WHICH ONE? you mean there's more than one?" i almost shout

"no i didn't mean it like that jordan just calm down please"

"harry i leave and then a day later you start getting all comfortable with someone is that it?"

"no it's not like that"

"it's not that you're with her harry" i say a little bit calmer, "it's that you didn't tell me, i thought we were supposed to tell each other anything and everything. i've told you lots of things that u haven't told anyone else but now you're keeping this from me. how long did you think this would stay a secret?"

"jordan listen, we're not together-"

"oh yea you're just getting comfortable in public at the bar that's all... bye harry i just need a break. from all of this for a little bit"

i hang up.

i needed to get away. my best friend that was across the world right now didn't bother to tell me. i thought friendship was supposed to have trust and communication. apparently we missed that somehow. maybe it was a misunderstanding but my thought clouded my judgement and i just needed a break from all of the publicity and drama right now.

i grab my keys and drive off. to somewhere. anywhere.

it was getting really dark out and it was hard to see. especially through the tears forming in my eyes. i don't know what's happening until there's a car right ahead of me. the bright white lights blinding my vision.

it's too late.

i couldn't stop.

i tried slamming on my breaks but the next thing i know i'm flying in my car through the front window.

it all happens so fast.

and then i black out.

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