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authors note: this chapter might make sense if you watch 'spill your guts or fill your guts from the late late show'

all the love


jordans POV

for the past couple of days we had just been hanging around harry's house and doing random things. i spent a lot of time listening to harry's new album. i cooked him food and we watched a lot of movies. right now harry was on a phone call with someone.

i wandered around the house in harry's large t-shirt while eating a muffin. a couple minutes later i felt two arms sling around my waist and a kiss being pressed to my neck.

"who was that?" i ask

"james cordon... he wants us to go on the show in a couple days"

i turn around "what?"

"yea jordan" harry smiles

"i don't know bubs i'm not very good at talking"

"everyone loves you, please it'll be fun"

i roll my eyes and sigh, "ok ok only because i love you though"

he smiles "i knew it"

"aren't you going to call him to say we can do it" i raise my eyebrow

"...well you see...." he runs a hand through his hair

"you have gotten to be shitting me. you dumbass already told him we would!" i shove his chest a bit

"hey i knew i would do convince you"

i roll my eyes but cant help grinning a bit

"whatever harold" i walk to the kitchen and turn on some music. i dance around a bit and we both enjoy the music and each other's company smiling and laughing.


i stood looking in the mirror. i was wearing a white floral skirt with a white cropped long sleeve shirt. i slip the rose ring on my finger and comb through my wavy hair with my fingers. there's a light knock on my door and i step out finding harry.

"alright so i'll introduce you two and then you walk out and we have something special planned" james explains

he walks out and i side hold harry and he wraps his arms around my shoulder. i feel him press his lips to my temple

"i love you" he whispered

"i love you more" i look at him and we connect our lips for a second then we hear our names.

there's applause when we walk out and cheering and james directs us towards a table.

"so first we are going to play a little game" janes starts and i stare at the various gross looking things on the table in front of me.

"you are going to have a series of questions to ask each other and you can answer them. but if you refuse to answer the other person gets to chose which thing you get to eat"

james then starts to list off what's at the table. it includes cod sperm, bird saliva and bull penis. how did they even get that?

that poor fucking bull.

"i regret coming here" i state and there's laughter from the crowd.

"alright harry got go first" james states.

"alright" he starts turning the table "jordan love, would you like some salmon smoothie?" i look at what he's chosen and i scrunch my nose up.

harry's POV

alright this question has to be good. i pull out the card and laugh

"jordan..." she looks at me, "if there was one song on the new album that you could delete which one would it be?"

she just stares at me "i love all of them harry"

"no no that's not the question"

she looks at the pink drink with disgust and picks it up.

"you see, i have the answer but i don't think i can say it" she takes a big drink of the thick pink stuff.

"jordan you seem to be enjoying that" james laughs

"well it's not as bad as harry's cooking" she states laughing and so does the crowd. ouch.

"i'm joking" she says after but i know she wasn't. i remember i burned water once while at her house. fucking water.

she was like gordan ramsey and i was like... well i was like one of those people on a tv show where they can't cook.

jordans POV

we had got through a few more questions and it was my turn again.

"harry you're going to be eating the bull dick..." i spun the nasty looking stuff towards him and he scrunches his nose up. i pull the card up and literally laugh so hard

"alright haz... which one of your songs are written about me"

harry legit starts banging his head on the table and pinches his nose while the crowd is going wild.

"NEXT CALLER" harry yells and we all laugh some more

"alright well um..." he picks up a pieceof the gross looking dick

"no no you would rather answer than eat that" i try and convince him because being honestly i wanted to know

"...i don't know JJ"

i just sit there and raise my eyebrows smirking at him. i know what will do it. i take the bird saliva and dump it in with the bull penis.

"oh for fucks sake that's not fair" he mutters "i would have to say well..."

i sit there with my eyes wide the question burning in my brain

"well..." he clears his throat and coughs "sweet creature, two ghosts, kiwi, meet me in the hallway, woman, from the dining table, treat people with kindness, fine line, sunflower vol. 6, adore you, and falling" he lets out

ok holy shit.

he's saying all of those were about me.

"i know i know next question" he states quickly running his face over with his hands


"yes H?"

"jordan... what is your favorite and least favorite thing about me" he smirks

oh boy.

"alright well.... i mean" i look down at the cow tongue in front of me. god i did not want to eat that "i guess you could say..." just answer the fucking question. "favorite thing... your dimples, least favorite thing is your jealousy" i answer truthfully and and just nods his head grinning.

we both ask a few more questions and then we're done. we sit and talk on the show for a bit and harry talks about his next concert that's in a few days. i talk about what's been going on with me and the police and we all just have a good time.


i was standing backstage. harry's concert was starting in a few minutes and i sat on the chair waiting. i get all situated and my phone starts ringing


"joe... hey" it's sebastian

"hey seb whats going on?"

"well... i know you aren't technically supposed to know this but i think you should. please don't panic ok? just stay where you are"

what is he talking about?

"sebastian what's going on?"

"well we went out on an assignment... the team. it was connected to the man you shot in the hospital..."

"and...?" i just wanted him to say what he was thinking

"joe.... sam has been taken hostage"

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