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y'all i finished the malignant series and now i don't know what to do with myself anymore🤧🤧... also i decided i would be putting a new inside joke from 1D into the beginning of each chapter until until i run out

all the love


"just chilling out in me box"

harry's POV

we get on the bus and we're off to germany to do our first concert.

i grab my stuff and put it on my bunk and change into more comfortable clothes. i lay out the open suitcase trying to figure out what to wear.

i remember the letter and grab it out of my pocket.

it read:

dear bubs,
it was the time to part but i know it won't be forever. i'm going to miss you like crazy, i know you're out living your dream and it's selfish of me to want you back here with me. but you're my best friend. a real friend who has shown me nothing but kindness the whole three months i've known you. in fact the whole band is my best friend. i just hope you have the time of your life preforming, having crazy concerts and going to crazy parties.

go crazy. have fun. but not too much fun. if you meet that special someone, you better contact me, but i'm guessing i'll see it on the news too ;). anyways i love you so much haz, have an amazing time, i hope i get to see you soon.

all the love


i close the letter and smile. bubs was a nickname she had started calling me for awhile. i don't know where she got it exactly but i thought it was cute and it seemed to stick with her. i'm going to miss her like crazy too. i haven't known her for that long but she was a genuine person in general. she didn't feel the need to act different around me or the boys. she was always just.... her. i found out shortly after we met that before she met me she had never listening to one direction really. i laughed about it for awhile knowing that this could make things easier. she didn't know all the fame we all had so she didn't need to change around us. not that she would if she did know but i thought it might make things different. now she's seen us preform and all our fans and i was really hoping that nothing would change. i was really tired and i decided to head to bed so i could be ready for our next concert tomorrow. i fall asleep with the note still clutched in one hand while hugging my pillow with the other and squishing my cheek into it.

*two weeks later*

jordan's POV

school has been stressing me out. not only is there a ton of homework but hearing all the girls around me talk about one direction constantly has been getting on my nerves. "niall this, harry that, omg did you see liam today? zayn is so hot and i would strangle myself with that price of hair that falls perfectly on his forehead" gives me a headache. sometimes i actually caught myself smacking my head against the table hearing them talk like that and not caring what they thought of me.

the bell rings and it's time for lunch.

i sit down to a group of girls in one of my classes. i don't really have any friends here so i sit down but don't actually participate in anything their talking about. shoes, clothes, jewelry, hair, gossip and drama was definitely  not for me. they're talking about harry and saying how hot he is. how "his curly hair looks so silky and soft. how they would sell their limbs just to give him a hug. how they know it probably smelled amazing how he's such a good singer, how his thick accent turns them on. how they're going to marry him one day.

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