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me seeing that this has passed 100 views... WHICH ISN'T A WHOLE LOT! but to be honest i didn't think it would get any. so shoutout to whoever is reading this 🤧🥺 also yea i am posting again sue me

all the love


p.s. i know i look like a worm

p.p.s TRIGGER WARNING, some abuse and violence and overall this chapter was just kind of depressing

jordan's POV

school started in a week. which made me depressed. my dad was usually drunk, which made me depressed. the only thing i was looking forward to was that harry was coming home tomorrow night. but thinking about him and that girl made me even more depressed. overall i guess i was just a depressed train wreck. maybe i needed to see a therapist or something.

i go about my day and i text and ask my dad if it was ok if i stayed over at olivias house tonight. i didn't really care about his opinion but i also didn't want to get hurt again.

he said he didn't care and i rolled my eyes because usually when i didn't tell him he would blow up and yell at me for an hour or worse

i pack some stuff and drive off towards olivias.

olivia is the only genuine friend i really have at school. she liked me even before everyone found out i knew one direction. before everyone found out i was best friends with harry styles. we've hung out a lot and she's even met the guys. she was cool about it and treated them like normal humans. she used to be a fan but not one of the overly crazy ones. she just enjoyed their music. she didn't ask me a lot of questions about it. she actually liked me for being me. not the girl who was best friends with the band or the girl who was seen on stage at one of their concerts.

i knock on her door and her little sister opens it up looking at me with peanut butter and jelly all over her face

she tells me olivia is up in her room and i bring my stuff up.

"hey girlie!"

"hey via"

she gives me a tight hug and i joke about her wanting to break my ribs.

"so i saw what harry posted"

"yea" i sigh and plop down on her grey bed

"is he dating her?"

"honestly i don't know i haven't really been talking to him lately" i frown slightly

she takes the hint and drops it thankfully. we talk about other stuff like school and what we've done and gotten for christmas. what we were planning do to for the rest of our break and how our classes were going

we decide to have a movie marathon but we both fall asleep during the third one. we were never really one to stay up super late which is another reason why i liked her. she never judged me for my decisions ever.

i wake up to the smell of food and go downstairs. via comes down soon later and we eat. after we're done we decide to go shopping at the mall.

six hours of shopping and eating. i had gotten asked for some pictures and autographs but thankfully nothing too dramatic. when we were all done i tell via i should head home.

when i get home my dad isn't there thankfully. i go to the bathroom and am surprised at what i see. i look like a got hit by a train. like i knew i felt like trash but i never really realized how much i looked like it. i haven't slept well in days due to nightmares about various things. there's a scar on my forehead from where i got hit. hopefully it would fade. it wasn't too bad now but you could definitely see it.

i decide to change my shirt and notice bruises over my back. i know exactly what they're from.

one night my dad got so mad at me he started hitting me and pushing me. he wasn't thinking, he was mad about something at his work and blamed it on me. he was calling me names and yelling and screaming. i don't want to think about it anymore. i throw my hair into a messy bun, throw on my glasses hoping they take the attention off my bloodshot eyes. and i put on one of my brothers hoodies and a pair of my sweatpants and get a text.

it's from harry

"i'll be there in about an hour, love you"

i set my phone down and hear the front door open. i walk downstairs and there's my dad looking drunk again. but this time he's with a woman.

"hey jordan we're grabbing some money before we head out to dinner"

"ok dad" i grab a bottle of water from the fridge

"where's the cash bag i had here?"

"i don't know i didn't touch it" i say more harsh than i meant. i was just annoyed trying to keep all my emotions inside

"did you take it?"

"dad no i didn't touch it" i shake my head

"really? i think you're lying"

"no dad really" i back away

"you little thief"

he starts coming at me

"no dad please don't"

"you deserve this"

he pulls up a hand and punches me smack in the nose. i stumble down and he kicks me in the stomach.

"i'll be home tomorrow, you better have the cash or you might as well start packing your things now. come on let's go jill"

as the woman who i assume is jill is walking by she whispers

"you really are pathetic stealing from your dad you know that"

they walk out the door and i sit up against the cold counter. i start crying and gasping, my stomach hurts from the blow and the whole room is spinning around me. my head immediately starts to hurt. it's really hard to breath and my throat feels like sandpaper. i feel my nose and thankfully i don't think it's broken but i can already tell it's staring to swell up. it hurts to stand but i do it anyways.

i start scrambling around the kitchen to find the money bag. i throw things everywhere and tear stuff apart letting my anger out.

i end up on the floor crying again. wanted it to all end. not wanting to continue in this miserable life. then my phone dings.

"be there in five:)" from harry

i totally forgot hes coming over. it's too late. if i cancel now he'll get suspicious. and i didn't want to be questioned. harry was extremely stubborn and he would find out eventually. just not yet. not yet. i try and wash my face with water but i still look like a wreck. the doorbell rings and i walk to it slowly. i clear my throat trying to get my voice to come back. i take a deep breath and place my hand on the cold metal door handle

i put on the biggest smile i could without hurting myself and open the door.

there he is. standing there smiling. and a girl is next to him. she had dark dark brows hair that looks almost black. and brown eyes. i think it's the girl from the picture. she has a mother fricken ton of makeup on also. my smile drops. i think it's the stephanie girl he was with over break.

"hey jordan, this is stephanie, and you can ask questions later but i wanted to introduce her to you.... because we've started dating"

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