its the not being able to write for me

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harry's POV

it's like i could feel my heart beating so hard inside of my chest waiting to see what she said. i should probably breathe but i can't get myself to.

maybe i just shouldn't have asked.

what if i messed things up now? what was she going to say? what if she was mad that i asked?

what if she said no? that would be awkward. hopefully not though. i don't think anything was keeping her home except her dad. but she wouldn't be far from him either considering i only lived about ten minutes away.

i just wanted to be able to wake up next to her every morning and see her beautiful face. i wanted her to be around all the time. i wanted to come home to her, or to hear her walk through the front door. to make dinner with her every night.

"you mean it harry?" she has a small smile on her lips

"with everything i have" i meant every single word

"yea, i'll move in with you" she full on smiles now and i take her hand placing kisses on the back of it

"thank god" i slump back in my chair relieved

"on one condition" she says making me stop my movements and look up at her

"we make sure to reserve one night a week for just us" she finishes

"deal" of course i could do that. i was over the moon that she said yes. my heart was racing so fast i couldn't believe it. i think i'm going to have a heart attack.

we finished our meal and got back into the car to go back to the hotel. jordan switched the radio on and turned it on. 'adore you' came on and i shook my head keeping my eyes on the road rubbing my forehead.

"oh god no can you change it?" i ask, i've heard this enough already

"definitely not it's a great song" she turns it up more dancing along and i chuckle.

"hey you think i should become a professional dancer?" she asks

"with moves like those you would become famous in no time" i laugh as we pull into the parking lot

"i think so too, i'm going to need a minute to call the chief and turn in my resignation" she opens her door and we step out.

i grab her hand and we walk through the lobby greeting the receptionist as we walk by.

"she's going to be disappointed that she's losing a great agent" i continue to joke and she nudges me with her shoulder as we get in the elevator.

"hey hey harry" jordan says as we go up  "have you ever seen the thing where you jump every time you go up a floor?" she asks jumping when she sees the floor number level change

"i don't think so" i grin watching her

"i did it all the time with my brothers whenever we went to a hotel"

she was so weird but i loved it. ever since i met her she has never been afraid to do anything. like she wasn't embarrassed about being wild or do something different. one time when we were driving she rolled down her window and turned the music up singing and yelling 'hi, i hope you have a nice day' to anyone we drove past.

that's how she was perfect for me.

coming from the world of celebrities and famous people jordan was an amazing change. everyone in the hollywood business was so careful about what they did and what they said. there was a pressure to always do amazing even when you're out getting coffee. you had to watch your appearance and how you did basically everything.

but when i got home with her she did whatever she liked and said whatever she want even if she knew she was on an interview or being papped.

i loved her with my whole heart and i wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. i couldn't imagine not being with her.

tomorrow was our last day here before we had to get home. after all i brought jordan here mainly because she needed to rest and get her mind off of her work. she was physically healed now but i couldn't imagine what she was going through mentally.

the nights we've been here we would talk about it into the early hours of the morning. i know how toxic keeping feelings to yourself could be. it destroys you from the inside out. even if she couldn't explain exactly how she felt i wanted her to try.

she said she was doing alright. occasionally she would get a bad memory but when she did she just came to me and i held her until she it passed.

this job was a lot of stress on her and sometimes i did wish she wouldn't do it because i know it can be traumatic. but the thoughts quickly leave when i remember she's doing what she loves. and i'm glad. i wanted nothing but happiness from her.

because she was my world.

it's the short chapter for me because i'm trying to get to 100 without boring you guys to death.

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