I Hate My Family....

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Dear Diary,
I am currently sat in my bedroom crying. I hate my family so much!
It all started when I came home from school. I asked Mama Brianna if  I could go out to a friends house after dinner  and she said yes but only  when I finish doing the washing up as Tuesday's  are my washing up days. So when I finished , I got ready to go but then Grandma Deaky told me that  I couldn't go out. Instead I had to sit at the table and study the bible like a 'good little school girl'. I told her that I couldn't because I already had plans for tonight. Worst of all, Mama Brianna changed her mind and agreed with Grandma Deaky. Ugh, it's so unfair. Then I got mad and Aunty Melina said  I was mad because I was on my period . Excuse me Aunty Melina, I AM NOT ON MY PERIOD!!!!!!!!!! Then Grandma Deaky made me take my bows out as a punishment and now she's hidden them . I am not happy!
Anyway, I have to go because Mama Brianna is calling me down. I guess I have to spend the rest of the night learning about Jesus and his disciples. I already know enough about Jesus. Grandma Deaky forces me to go to church with her every Sunday. BORING!  
P.S Grandma Deaky better give me my bows back after I've studied the bible . If not, she will burn in hell  !!!!!!!

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