Embaress the Rookie

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This was  the most terrified Karima was  in a...while, And that was saying something.It was pretty hard to resist running back up the stairs and vomiting. But Karima knew she wouldn't vomit. So she resisted. Seeing all these stars just eating lunch though...they were World and Olympic Champions! How can Karima deserve her place among everyone else? Looking to Rose and Emily for help, Karima didn't know where to sit. So she sat with them. At their table was Sam Mewis, Lindsey Horan and Mallory Pugh. Mewis seemed to be laughing her head off at Lindsey's joke. In fact everyone was having a good time. Karima was nervous as fuck though. Her stomach was performing random turns. I've forgotten how to make bloody friends,She realised. Luckily Emily took notice of her. "So Karima..." She frowned. "You're only having a salad? What about the steak? Some potatoes? You need to eat you know." Mall giggled. "You're acting like her mom Sonny." Then Karima heard a voice call out from another table. "Hey Karima how are you?" Looking up to see Ali, Karima smiled. "Oh shit!" Ashlyn Harris yelled. "We've got a newbie!" Jessica McDonald gave a concerned look. "Harris!" She hissed. "No need to embarrass a rookie!" Ash shrugged. Now everyone's eyes were on Karima. Just then Vlatko came to her rescue. "Right everyone." He begun. "I'm glad you're all here. Just a rest tonight. But tomorrow there's intense training in preparation for the game against Canada. So have a good dinner and...we'll start tomorrow." Everyone clapped and things seem to go perfectly ok with no attention on Karima. Until Becky Sauerbrunn spoke up. "Why don't we introduce Karima to our squad. Let's all meet at me and Tobs room at 8 and we can play...I dunno a game?" Tobin snorted . "A game?" Becky nudged her roommate. "Um Tobin there's no room for negativity here." Karimas table all looked to her. "Well", Emily broke the silence " you're not getting out of this one Mendoza ."

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