The wedding

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It was the day. Karima was nervous as fuck. After all they had "rehearsals" but that was with no crowd just them two and Abby Wambach (THATS RIGHT!) as the "vicar".
As terrifying   as it was to meet Abby, the all time goal scorer for the USWNT was cool and calm to be around and Karima was always steady when she was with Emily so she was fine.
However they were going to have to do this for real in front of 100 people . Maybe that doesn't seem like much to you but for a constantly anxious wreck like Karima, that was a lot .
Karima did everything not to tremble and ruin her makeup that was being applied to her by Gina Devrulli, the woman who did Ali's makeup to her wedding to Ash.
Speaking of the duo, they were here with her alongside Carli. The trio were the only people in truth, to be able to calm Karima down.
"Listen," Carli was holding Karima's shaking hand "you're gonna be fine." "Yeah," Ash blurted out "it's not like it's the biggest day of your life or anything." This got a whimper from Karima, a glare from Carli and an elbow via Ali.
"Guys?" Karima had one question to ask them all. "Yes?" Carli turned around. "Will you all, always be there for me?"
Karima could spot them out the corner of her eye, giving each other a worried look. Karima realised how selfish of a request it was.
"That's sounds selfish of me-" Karima was cut out by Ash. "That's not selfish at all." The former goalkeeper looked at her wife. "It's a good fucking question"  Ali took over. "It might not sound realistic Karima but we'll always be there for you."
Carli then spoke. "Even if you don't think so." She had spotted the bride to be's skeptical look "we're never far away. In your worst moments, you know you can count on us."
At this point, everyone in the room was in a state. It wasn't until a few minutes later, the silence was broken by Gina's observation. "Oh Karima, your mascara!"

Karima stood at the double doors which were currently shut. When the time came, she was going to walk through them where she'd be greeted by Emily who'd have walked through double doors herself.
Standing by herself, Karima waited for a signal. Then she felt someone tap her shoulder and she turned around to see two beaming men.
"Cole!" Karima hugged her best man. After a needed embrace, Karima looked back up to see a familiar face. "Are you...?" Griffin Bower laughed. "I thought you'd have recognised me Mendoza!" Karima raised an eyebrow. "Soon to be Mendoza-Sonnett." She corrected.
"So..." Karima needed to know "are you guys back together?" The duo blushed. "Not officially." Cole admitted. Karima raised her other eyebrow. "Oh so you're going to upstage my wedding?" She joked.
The couple once again exchanged loving glances. "I thought about what I told you Karima." Cole looked back at his friend. "Then I realised that I was being very hypocritical. That I still had a chance." Spritter kissed Griffin.
The nerves once again escalated for Karima when her best man and his boyfriend left having wished her luck.
Then she got given a signal from Rami. The doors swung open and Karima could see her reflection for a brief moment.

This is (the closest) to Karima's dress:

All of Karima's nerves evaporated once she saw her bride

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All of Karima's nerves evaporated once she saw her bride. Emily was stunning, the bouquet of white roses shining in the sunlight. Her smile though, shined even brighter.

This is (the closest) to what Emily wore:

This is (the closest) to what Emily wore:

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You ready? Emily mouthed. As ready as I'll ever be Karima mouthed back.
No longer nervous, the 22-year old was so excited. Linking arms, the brides walked down the stairs, closely followed by Rami and his younger siblings, Bella and Sami as the flower kids, sprinkling petals.
Once they reached the bottom, Karima and Emily were greeted by cheers (and tears) before walking down the aisle.
Walking side by side, Karima got a shock to see her whole family (excluding Mahri) at the pews.
The duo walked until they reached Abby who had a joyful look on her face. Karima quickly turned to see her bridesmaids and flower kids, looked forward to see Cole before focusing on Emily.
Then Abby began.
"This is going to be very short." Much to the amusement of the guests.
"Emily Ann Sonnett," Abby looked to the blonde. "Do you take Karima Mendoza to be your wife?" Emily instantly spoke. "I do."
Abby and it felt like everyone else, looked at Karima.
"Karima Mendoza." Abby looked to the brunette. "Do you take Emily Ann Sonnett to be your wife?"
Karima looked to a tearful Sonnett before saying "I do."
Abby then addressed the crowd. "With that, I pronounce you both Wife and Wife!"
AUTHORS NOTE: I know that was very short however I didn't really now what else to put!
After a very passionate kiss that to Karima felt was  too short, they both walked down the aisle.
Just before the activities began, while they were talking to everyone, Karima went to her family, who appeared a bit lost, surrounded by those they didn't really know. "Thanks for coming." She didn't know what to expect, but Karima was surprised when her sisters gave her a strong hug.
Karima then spoke to each of her family memebers before her eyes fell to her mother's. She thought about leaving and had turned on her heel, when she heard a remorseful voice. "I just want to say Congratulations." Karima looked to her mum. "And sorry." The elderly woman added. Karima frowned. "What for?" She knew what for. But she couldn't believe it.
Mum winced. "For what happened in the past."
Karima was strangely, more than forgiving. "It's fine mama." She shrugged. "As you've said , it's in the past and I want to move on. To start a new chapter that's what this is about."
Mum nodded. "Well I just want to say I wish you both happiness."

After divulging into the food that included steak, tacos and vegan free food and cookies, Emily and Karima cut their wedding cake.
Activities included Emily and Karima chucking their bouquets. Emily threw hers over her head and the bouquet landed right at Christen's feet. "We're getting a Preath wedding!" Kling hollered. Christen blushed. "I'm sure that was a fluke." Morgan was horrified. "They're not flukes I tell you! Every single wedding I've been to, the woman that gets the bouquet is the next to get married!"
So Karima chucked hers backwards. She turned around instantly to see the bouquet in Tobin's hands. Heath gave a guilty look to an annoyed Press and Kelley screamed "So it wasn't a fucking fluke was it?!"
Afterwards, dancing commenced. This was the longest activity stretching to the end of the wedding.
Karima was exhausted after a couple of hours and went to sit down.
"Tired huh?" Karima turned to see Sharon sitting with her husband and twins. Giving a tired smile, the American responded "I think after our journeys, we need a wee break." McClaude nodded. "I think we can both agree on that Mendoza."
The old enemies spent the rest of the evening watching their fellow friends dance the night away.

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