The final secret to confess

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There was a week until the final. Against Austalia. Yep, the tie was a rematch of the opening game in Sydney in a weeks time.
While other players were preparing via training or recovery etc, Karima was preparing to tell her final secret to Emily.
Nervous as ever though, Karima knew it could only go two ways. Emily would be sympathetic of Karima being raped and help her get over it or she would be very mad at Karima keeping this a secret for such a long time and...

Oh Karima what if she leaves you?
Karima she's not going to look at you the same way again!
Why would she be with someone who's been raped? A weakling who can be taken advantage of?

Suddenly, the door opened and Karima's girlfriend was standing at the door. Despite preparing this for the last day, Karima was seriously considering this admission.
Then Emily gave a massive smile and everything on Karima's shoulders lifted. If you can't tell her this, who can you tell?
Karima sat on the bed and gestured Emily to join her which she did.
"I've got a confession to make." She started.
After watching Sonnett nod, Karima continued.
"I've been lying to you." Emily raised her eyebrows.
Karima struggled to speak. "You're not the only girl I've been...sexual with."
Emily's face paled. "You've been cheat-"
Karima's eyes widened and she quickly interrupted.
"No! No! This was before we even met."
A lot more reassured, Emily once again gestured to her teammate to continue.
"Me and McClaude had sex..." Emily once again raised her eyebrows . "Ooh so that's where the history-"
Wincing, Karima had to once again interrupt.
"Which wasn't consensual." She had never seen Emily this angry before.
"She..." her voice dramatically dropped to a whisper. "...raped you?" Karima was a bit annoyed.
"Well yes, but the reason I'm telling you all this is because she apologised and I don't want to charge her. It was disclosure for me that I was eventually able to share with you."
The tension was so thick, a pin could cut through. Then Emily spoke up. "Ok then."
Karima couldn't help but laugh. "That's it? After all that?" Emily sighed. "What do you want me to do?" Mendoza's voice was now minuscule "So you won't leave me."
It was now Emily's turn to laugh. "WHAT?! No of course not."

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