Family Affair-#3

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Karima knew it was going to be awkward. Yet she didn't imagine everyone sitting in silence for 15 minutes after eating. Yes, she knew she could of just not went however she didn't want to jeopardise her friendship with Emma and raise even more suspicions about her. Speaking of the blonde, she appeared to be the only one making some sort of effort which was quite sad. Then Karima got a horrific surprise.
The doors swung open and Karima didn't initially recognise the five glammed up girls. It wasn't until she got a closer look at them and heard their voice that she realised it was her new USWNT teammates. Emily, Rose, Sam, Lindsey and Mal all sat at a table near Karima. She hoped they hadn't recognised her. Then she got jolted by a familiar cold voice. "So what are you planning to do Karima?" Freezing on the spot, she tried to avoid her uncles question. "Planning to do what? About the housing? Well I don't-" Her uncle cut in. "You know that's not what I meant." Karima couldn't take it anymore. "Playing soccer? This is my life! The only love I have! The only things that's kept me going! This isn't like some gap year you know. This is my career . " Standing up , Uncle Mahri sneered "My niece will not become a-" Standing up as well Karima could not handle the words that her mother had told her many times. "Look I don't know if this is news to you but you can't control me. Heck you've never really even been in my life. Away in Australia, Canada and Saudi Arabia. The only time you've ever spoken to me is when you criticised my grades. Nothing that's ever come out your mouth has been positive about me. Nothing. So why don't you do me a favour and leave me alone. Please. Don't think you can ever blackmail me by trying to tell her . Because I don't care. And I've stopped caring long ago." Karima gave the rest of her table a dirty look. "Then you all wonder why I don't speak when all you guys do is critique."
Realising how severe the situation had become, Karima laid down a 20 dollar bill before leaving. Before going to the only place she felt safe.

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