"I came to say sorry"

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Karima and the rest of the USWNT didn't find out their opponents until the next day. And Karima really couldn't be arsed to face them.
The Canadians had truly established themselves as powerhouse over the past few years-ranked third on the FIFA rankings ahead of the likes of England, Netherlands and Brazil etc.
Their northern neighbours had changed a bit though. With their taliswoman and skipper, Christine Sinclair, having recently retired the Canadians were on the verge of a rebuild.
This didn't change their form as previously mentioned having beaten England 3-1 in the round of 16 and overcame Germany 1-0 in the quarterfinals.

So of course, Karima was not that excited. Especially considering the recent drama surrounding her family. It was all a bit much. Karima didn't want to meet her mum and uncle. Now that they knew she was with Emily as well...they were going to ask about experiences. Oh fuck. They were facing Sharon McClaude. What if...
"Karima?" Emily was there to thankfully end her vicious train of thoughts "we're here."
In the semifinals of a World Cup, Karima was grateful to be starting. In fact after listening before hand in the changing rooms, she learned she was the only one in the XI that wasn't a World Cup winner.

Things went by as blur. Karima didn't remember much from waiting in the tunnel,the anthems as all the recent turn of events were in her head. Not a good time in a crucial match like this.
So when things kicked off, Karima was sluggishly off the pace. Even McClaude appeared to have noticed. "S'okay Doza. I'm not really gonna focus on you." While Karima was assured by the words of her rapist, this hadn't really been bothering her either.
She did start to sharpen up more however. This wasn't enough though as at halftime, with the score at 0-0, Andonovski decided to rip into his team. With the target being the entire midfield.
"Lindsey, you keep venturing forward and forgetting to track back. That could cost us." Vlatko then turned to Moe. "Brian, the passing has been hopeless, you're not doing anything for our defence our attack." Sam wasn't about to escape Vlatko's venom either. "Mewis, they're getting past you way to easily, I'm surprised they've not scored yet thanks to you."
Finally, the coach's attention was on Karima. There appeared to be almost fury in his eyes which worried her. "Mendoza...you seriously need to get your head in the game. I don't know what's up. McClaudes not even on you for fucks sake." The 45-year old clearly had enough. "If things don't change in the next ten minutes, you're going off."
So there was no surprise that despite only drawing, the USWNT trudged back onto the pitch with their tails between their legs.
Things didn't improve in the next ten minutes and true to his words, Andonovski brought Karima off for Allie Long.
Unlike 3 years ago, Mendoza didn't keep her professionalism and didn't both to shake her coach's hand when she went off. This caught the attention of several players who shot concerned looks, but Karima also ignored them and vented her frustration by hurling a water bottle at the walls  in the shelter that their bench was situated in.
She then avoided her teammates interrogation by grabbing another bottle and just casually sipping on it for the rest of the game.
The worst thing was that the USWNT would go on to score three quick fire goals right after the substitution through Alex, Tobin and Kelley that sent them through to a fourth consecutive final with a 3-0 win.
It wasn't until the full time whistle that Karima realised the severity of her actions.
She didn't even go over to Cole, Emma and Rami such was her embarrassment at what she'd done.
You fucking idiot, Karima told herself ,You really have fucked it up.
Then she got an unexpected visitor. "Unlucky Doza." Sharon came up to her appearing...genuine?
Karima gave a wry expression. "Things never go right. I mean these three years were a bit too good weren't they?"
Sharon sighed. "Look I came to do something odd of me."
Karima was suspicious. "What McClaude?"
The Canadian winced. " I came to say sorry."
Things really caught Karima out. "W-What for raping me?"
Sharon rolled her eyes. "I know you can't exactly forgive-"
Karima cut in. "No I accept."
Sharon was surprised. "Seriously?"
The American gave a tired nod. "Look I while I can't forget it, I can forgive." Karima looked to the stands. "At least you're remorseful. No one else is."
Sharon and Karima then shook hands before the former walked down the tunnel.
The 21-year old looked to the sky. While the sincere apology wasn't much, it was at lest some disclosure and a bittersweet ending to this nightmarish game.

AUTHORS NOTE: Look I do not agree with forgiving people with rape and not punishing them. However some people need some disclosure to help with healing like Karima has. Also don't expect to hear much of an apology from anyone else who has mistreated her...

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