A Vape Mistake?

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Not long after Carli came, people came trekking down the stairs. Some with strangely bright smiles (Kelley) others groaning as if being escorted to their prison cell (Tobin). "Crystal and Megan won't be down for a while." Ali informed Karima. Dawn walked up to Karima and handed her a sheet of paper. "Heard you didn't have one." She winked before walking away. Having recognised it as the training timetable she lost, Karima called out "Thanks Dawn!" To which the trainer gave a thumbs up. Looking down, she saw the first session was on the pitch at 10. Mall looked over her shoulder. Smugly she told Karima "Wonders who's gonna tell Dunn and Pinoe? They don't get up until 11 usually." Mall observed. Lindsey looked up from her plate. "Well they're veterans Mall. I'm sure they know the time as well." The forward held up her hands in apology. "Shoot me." She snapped before muttering "still don't think they won't be late." Tierna sat down at the table before making eye contact with Mall. " So I just wanted to ask Karima about your erm...vaping." Karima raised an eyebrow. They still wanted to know more? The young defender appeared a bit lost for words. "How did you get into it? You know." Karima still remembered as if it was yesterday . "My brother got me into it." She replied bluntly. " A guy I know in my geometry brought Juuls to school each day and me, him and my best friend used to just vape in the back of the class each day. One day our teacher Mr Spencer, caught us and handed out detentions." Sam appeared intrigued. "So when did you decide to quit?" This was the quickest reply Karima had to make up on the spot. "I knew that to be a professional soccer player, vaping hinders you so much. So yeah when I was 16...I quit vaping."
Little did Karima know, Dawn had been listening the whole time. "Good" she stood up making her presence known and taking the whole table by surprise. "Vaping will never help. Not just in terms of your career but your life as well. You also don't want to affect those you love and care for." Karima stayed silent. It was easy for her. She didn't exactly have anyone she loved and cared for and vice versa. Dawn gave one last glance towards the rookie before announcing  "trainings at 9:45 everyone actually. Change of plan." Mal burst out into a fit of giggles. "Well Pinoe and Dunn are certainly gonna be late."

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