The Opening Match

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On the bus, Karima sat next to Emily. She was now her bus partner. Of course Karima likes being with the person she loved but it wasn't the same. Carli was always the calming influence before a game. Whereas Emily... was very hyper.
"Are we there yet?" A caffeine filled Sonnett asked Karima for the 5th time already. Looking around, Karima saw concerned and slightly annoyed/amused faces in her direction. Karima turned to her energetic girl "Em...we're only 5 minutes away." Emily groaned like a kid. "I wanna play now!" Karima smiled as it reminded her of her now eldest nephew Rami who was now 7.
Much to Emily's joy and everyone else's relief, they had arrived at the Stadium Australia . In the line, Karima stood behind Naeher and Alex who was now the lone captain of the team. She heard a small voice going "Kawima! Kawima!" Karima looked down to see a girl who was...familiar? "Heidi!" Karima starched her arms and bent down to the ever energetic girl with the same floppy curls and... "You're two front teeth are missing." Karima noted. Heidi   crossed her arms. "The tooth fairy still hasn't came yet!" She huffed. Karima laughed. One day she'll know. Karima was never told about a tooth fairy. She knew it was her mum who used to do it. Back when things...were different. Karima continued her conversation with Heidi. "So are you thinking of another draw?" Remembering the girl's correct prediction against Japan. Heidi shook her head. "I think you guys are a lot better this time." She explained. Karima laughed once more before they went silent as they watched the opening ceremony.

Then things kicked off. The Australians hadn't changed that much from the Olympics although Lisa De Vanna and Lydia Williams have now retired. The hosts kicked off and Karima was surprised by how much energy they had. Roared on by their fans it was long until the Matildas took the lead.
Struggling to keep Ellie Carpenter at bay, the USWNT could only watch as the fullback swung in a cross that was met first time by Sam Kerr in the 32nd minute.
Karima rolled her eyes as the crowd erupted. What's with us trailing so much? She started to wonder.
It wasn't long until halftime came and Karima could see both Alex and Vlatko struggle to motivate the team. They just seemed short of...leaders. No one knew what to say.
So it was no surprise that not long after halftime, the Matildas extended their lead. Not in the best circumstances either for a certain midfielder.
Karima's hands were behind her back when Hayley Raso's shot struck her. The ref, without even consulting V.A.R pointed to the spot and Karima was given a yellow for her troubles. She spotted her team mate at club level give a sympathetic look and mouthed Sorry .  Karima mouthed It's ok back to Hayley.
There wasn't much surprise when Kerr slotted in the resulting penalty to give herself a brace. Karima walked back to her position dejected, despite her teammates assurances.
The rest of the game only made the Aussies improve. In fact they were dominating by such a margin, that it shook quite a few when Christen brought one back via a quickly taken free kick in the 88th minute.
However that only proved to be a consolation for the USWNT as the game finished 2-1 to Australia.
Barring the jubilant Australian fans and players, everyone else was stunned. The reigning World and Olympic champions were defeated in their opening game by a side that had went on an alarming decline in recent years.
In the changing rooms and on the way back, everyone was silent. Karima reassured everyone she was fine but her girlfriend could see through the assuring smiles and polite  nods.
As soon as they entered the room, Emily cupped Karimas face. She then titled her face up forcing the couple to share eye contact. "Look," the defender started "this wasn't your fault." Karima sighed. "I never said that." Sonnett's voice became more strict. "You're thinking it though." Karima broke off eye contact. "I know your self esteem is still a bit low but trust me, you were one of our key players." Karima met Emily's eyes again. "I know that." She joked. The attempt was weak but it made both of them burst into laughter. "If we crash out though I won't get a surpise." Karima remembered. Emily frowned. "Are you saying that's a good thing?" She teased. After switching off the lights, Emily had one more question to ask. "Karima?" "Yes?" "Promise me one thing?" "What is it?". There was a pause. "That you won't think about this." Karima knew she was going to have to do something she hadn't done in a while-lie. Clenching her teeth, Mendoza responded "I won't."
Authors note: Hope you all have an excellent  Happy New Year!!

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