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The friendly against New Zealand wasn't that bad. It was their first on the victory tour and ended with a 2-0 win with Press and Tobin both fittingly scoring the goals. After the game, Emily told Karima that she wanted her to meet her family. Karima was shaking the whole journey there. This even got her girlfriends attention. "Relax." Emily put a hand to Karimas wobbling knee. "They fucking love you." Not even these calming words though could stop Karima from worrying. When they approached the café, she was surprised to see Emily's family waiting for them. She watched them embrace Emily which stung Karima as she hadn't really experienced that. Emily's dad then turned to Karima and stuck out a hand. "Bill." He smiled. "I see you're the one my daughter always talks about." Karima blushed. "Eh.. I hope so?" This made the family laugh which surprised her. After meeting Emily's mum (Jane) and twin sister (Emma) they entered the café. "So...tell us about yourself." Emma told Karima. Giving a shaky smile she replied "So not my life story?" This made Emily laugh and the rest of the family smile which made Karima wonder whether they knew of the reference. "Just..." Bill hesitated. "About your family."
The words at first were  jammed in  Karimas throat. Eventually a sentence was formed. "I have a er... a brother, who's a doctor. Then I have my eldest sister who is also a doctor. Then there's my other sister who recently became a dentist." Jane nodded. "That's very well. Er...what about your parents?" Karima briefly shut her eyes before deciding to put her focus on the corner of Emma's chair. "My mum was also a dentist. She's retired." Karima looked back at the family who without words, encouraged her on. "My dad..." Karima gave a deep breath. At least she didn't have to give detail. "He was also a doctor." Emily butted in. "Is he retired as well?" Karima struggled to phrase the truth. "He...uh passed away when I was 9." Everyone went silent. Karima apologised. "I'm sorry." Everyone looked at her. Jane appeared in tears. "Oh it's ok." She stretched over to give a strong hug over the table. "Nothing to say sorry about darling." The mum whispered in her ears. Bill cleared his throat. "So I'm guessing it brought you guys closer?" Karima winced. "It actually divided us to be honest." The rest of the conversation went by a lot more light hearted. After saying goodbye, Karima and Emily headed into a cab. "Sorry about your dad." Was the first thing that came out the defender's mouth. Karima shook her head. "Not much people know." The ride was quiet for a bit until Emily spoke up again. "I hope you didn't mind that." Karima gave her a warm smile. "I actually enjoyed that." Not had much family to talk to , she bitterly thought.
Then Karima had an idea. "Do you want to come out?" Emily gave her a reassuring grin. "My teammates know that I like girls." Karima got embarrassed. "Oh sorry not like that but erm..." "You want to make us public?" Emily finished her sentence off. Well Karima didn't really. However she felt they were going to be found out. "Why not?" She shrugged.

Once they got to the hotel, Karima and Emily spotted the team in the foyer playing cards. Wolf whistling as they came in, the USWNT players embarrassed the pair. "What were you lot doing?" Megan shouted out. "Cannodling?" The players suddenly went quiet. Emily frowned. "No actually..." "Are you guys gonna come out?" Mal and Lindsey chimed together. Judging by how well delivered the question was, Karima had a feeling that it wasn't spontaneous. Emily took the lead. "What if we told you we were?"
A whole host of replies came out.
"Cry!" Mal yelled.
"Win a bet!" Kelley winked at Allie.
"Lobb the pillow I have at you guys for not telling us sooner!" Ash threateningly held a pillow above her head.
"Well..." Emily started doing jazz hands and a drumroll began . When it stopped she announced "We're together!"
Mal did begin to cry. Kelley started taunting Allie and collecting her money and a pillow narrowly missed Karima's head. "Sondoza it is!" Kelley grabbed her money before heading out the room.
Karima was a bit taken back. Sondoza?

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