Getting Caught

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Unlike most others, Karima didn't exactly have much people to tell about the Olympics. She called Emma ("Oh my fucking God! My besties gonna be in the Olympics!") and of course Cole ("You don't know how fucking proud I am!") but that was it.
A week later, the team met up and jetted off to Tokyo. Karima was really pleased when Alyssa asked to sit next to her. As usual, the goalkeeper was a calming influence. When they got there, there was the unpleasant surprise of the fact they had a game in two days. It was against Japan and to be honest, Karima was terrified of playing against them. Sure they were going through a rebuild, but they were one of the teams the U.S prayed they didn't draw. They were in group E with Japan (who were hosts as well), Great Britain (Karima didn't personally understand why England didn't just qualify) and Chile.

Karima was stressed. Yes, she enjoyed being with the team but this was a tournament. No matter what anyone said, Karima hadn't justified herself to be selected. So to no ones surprise, she couldn't sleep. After constant twisting and turning , Karima didn't want to wake up Emily so she headed outside. For some peace and quiet and of course, to vape. Ignoring Emma's advice was rare from Karima but she didn't know what the pressure was now like. As each puff evaporated into the air, Karima got more and more worried about her feelings for Emily. Yes she couldn't run from it but thats not the same as hiding it is it? After all Emily surely didn't know Karima had feelings for her. After 15 minutes or so, Karima headed back upstairs. When she opened the room, she got a shock.

Emily was standing there, arms crossed with a massive frown on her face. Immediately she spoke "I saw you from the balcony." Karima shut the door behind her. "Sorry to wake you up." She mumbled. To her surprise, she got a slap. Emily now appeared to be furious "You didn't need to lie you know!" She hissed careful to not wake the others up. Karima didn't understand "About Vaping? It doesn't bother you does it?" The words each stung Emily powerfully. "You don't understand." Each word, she took another step closer, until their noses were practically touching. "We're teammates for club and country, we live together for goodness sake, I'm not gonna let you throw your life away like that." Emily took a deep breath. " I need to tell Dawn about this." Karima nearly forgot to keep quiet. "Why?" She started panicking. Then she said something she regretted. "Ok so you've found one of my secrets right?" Holding her hands up, Karima watched Emily raise an eyebrow "however," she mistakenly continued "that's not my biggest secret." Emily crossed her arms. "What is?" Karima gave a small smirk. "My dear, should we win the Olympics and you avoid telling Dawn about what you erm, just saw I will personally reveal to you my biggest secret." Emily smirked. "That's on one condition though." Karima began to worry again. "What?" Taking the Vape out of Karimas hands, Emily stamped on it, crushing it into two. She then chucked it out the window. "That you don't do that anytime soon." The defender eventually answered.

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